Overprotective Luke

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Two weeks flew by and I was completely healed. I had to stay home for the first few days then I could go back to school I just had to take it easy. My father went missing but the police were looking for him so they could throw his ass in jail. Luke still seemed to think after two weeks that I was still injured. My bruises were completely gone and my ribs were much better. They only hurt every now and then which the doctor said was normal and I just could take Tylenol when needed.

"Luke for the hundredth time I can walk upstairs. I am fine now!"

It was a Saturday afternoon and Luke was bored out of his mind so he thought he would bug me and try to help me with my "boo boo's" as Luke called them.

"I know your fine, but did you ever think maybe I just like you in my arms?" Luke asked.

My face flushed red.

"W-Well I never thought about it that way".

"Exactly so shut up and let me carry you." He grinned

So I listened and let Luke carry me. We entered his room and he threw me on the bed. I screamed as I hit the soft mattress and then started laughing. He then climbed on top of me and started tickling me. I wiggled and laughed until I couldn't breathe then my ribs started to ache a little.


I managed to get out in between laughter. He immediately stopped and got off me.

"Sorry I forgot" he said rubbing the backed his neck.

"It's alright, they're still a little sore every now and then. I'm going to go downstairs and get some Tylenol."

Luke just nodded and started undressing to get into bed. I went down stairs to find Luke's parents in the kitchen drinking tea.

"Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt anything, I just need some Tylenol." I explained.

"Don't worry dear you're not a bother." Emma said.

I got some Tylenol and a glass of water and was about to head upstairs before Emma spoke up.

"Uhm Skyy, we just really want to thank you for being around. We love having you here and I know Luke does too. He's so much happier. It's good to see him smile for once. Before you came around he was always scowling and frowning and would barley talk. So we just want to thank you for changing him for the better."

I was shocked. I never knew Luke was miserable before I just assumed he was naturally happy person. I guess not. I felt bad because I couldn't picture Luke being sad. I never wanted to see him sad.

"Uhm, your welcome" I said awkwardly.

Emma and Dave just smiled at me as I headed upstairs. I entered Luke's room and he was sprawled out on the bed with a pair of pyjama pants on. He was still awake. As I walked over he looked up at me.

"Will you go on a first date with me Skyy?" Luke asked randomly.

"Of course I will Luke, when?"

"Tomorrow." He said.

Tomorrow was Saturday and it was supposed to snow for the first time this year.

"Okay." I said

Tomorrow came faster than I thought and next thing I knew I was getting ready for my "first date" with Luke. I was excited and nervous at the same time. I felt like I had nothing to wear, nothing seemed appropriate.

Just then there was a knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in." I said expecting it to be Luke.

Emma walked in Luke's room holding up a simple white dress and a beautiful coat to wear over it because it was winter.

"I heard that you and Luke were going on a date and while I was at the mall and I saw this and it just screamed your name." Emma said smiling.

"It's perfect."

She laid the outfit on my bed and left the room. I put on the dress and coat and it looked amazing. I put on my white converse and they completed the outfit.

I walked downstairs to find Emma staring at me with a smile on her face.

"I knew that would suit you" she said.

"Thank you so much Emma I don't know what I would do without you." I said.

She brought me into a gentle hug.

"It's just a thank you for making my Lukey happy." She said.

"Speaking of Luke where is he?" I asked.

"He said something about picking up something last minute for the date. He told me to tell you he would be back in 10 minutes." Emma said as she walked into he kitchen.

I went over into the living room to wait for Luke. 10 minutes went by and he still wasn't back. I figured he got stuck in traffic, but then 20 minutes, 30 minutes went by and next thing I knew it had been an hour of me waiting. Emma had been trying to get ahold of Luke but he wasn't answering.

After waiting 2 hours I decided to change out of my outfit. I changed into sweats and a baggy sweater. I was Lying on Luke bed when Emma came into his room. She sat on the edge of the bed with sympathy in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Emma I don't know where he is and he won't pick up. But when he gets home he will be grounded for a month. I can't believe he did this to you." Emma said looking a little angry.

"It's okay Emma, I just shouldn't get my hopes up."

"I'm sorry dear, I'll be down in the kitchen if you need me."

"Okay, and thank you again Emma."

"No problem dear."

Emma left the room and then I couldn't help myself I started crying. Where was Luke? Why did he ditch me? I guess I'm not that important to him. He's probably with some other girl that's prettier than me. I wasn't mad at Luke, I was just disappointed. I thought he liked me just as much as I liked him. I can't believe I actually thought I was half normal for a little while. I will always be the freak that no one likes.

I was in the middle of crying when I heard the front doorbell ring. For some reason I felt like I should go see who it was.

I walked down the stairs to see Emma and Dave at the front door. A police officer was standing at the door. My hearted dropped into my stomach.

"W-what's wrong?" I asked.

Emma and Dave turned around and they both had tears in there eyes.

"It's Luke."

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