Remembering and Being Free

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"What did you just say?!" Emma asked.

"I remember everything. Just when you were talking something snapped and It all came back to me."

Emma squeezed Luke tighter and started crying histarically. I felt tears steaming down my face too. I was so happy he remembered. Emma let go of Luke as his dad embraced him too.

"Well dinners ready Lukey." Emma said.

We all sat at the table eating dinner with smiles on our faces. They all talked about memories of when Luke was little. It was nice to hear them talking and happy again as a family. By the sounds of it Luke had an amazing childhood. If I was him I would never want to forget my childhood. Even though my childhood wasn't great I felt happy for once in my life. I feel like I belong somewheres.

After dinner Luke and I watched some National Geographic and cuddled on the sofa.

"So now that I have my memory back I remember leaving to do something for our date and the accident. Were you mad when I didn't show up?" Luke asked.

"I wasn't mad. I was upset and disappointed. I waited for two hours in my dress on the sofa then I just gave up and changed into sweats and a baggy sweater. I thought you might have found someone better than me to take on a date. Then when the police officer showed up and explained what happened all the sadness and disappointment went away and then I was just scared." I explained.

"I'm sorry you waited that long. I want to make it up to you. But I think you've waited long enough so Skyy will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course."

He smiled and brought me onto his lap. I ran my fingers through his hair as he rubbed my back.

"How are your ribs?" He looked concerned.

"They're okay, they're still sore though."

He gently moved his hand up to where my ribs were and rubbed gently. It actually felt really good.

"When I get back to school I'm going to kick that jocks ass. I won't let them hurt you anymore."

"Luke please don't fight them. They aren't worth it."

"They may not be, but you are."

"Just promise me you won't fight them it kills me to see you get hurt. Please." I begged.

"Fine. Only because you said. But if any of them try to do anything to you, next time I won't be able to stop myself." He growled.

"Okay, okay calm down."

I still had my hands in Luke's hair and I gently put my hand over his stitches. He didn't have to wear bandages anymore which he was glad about.

"When do you have to get those stitches removed?" I asked.

"Sometime next week. Probably on the weekend so I don't miss anymore school. It's going to leave an ugly scar."

"It will be fine. Plus your hair covers your stitches so you won't have to worry about anyone seeing your scar. Except me because I want to look at it because I think your scars are beautiful." I said kissing him.

"You think they're beautiful?" He asked.

"Yes. How is your back by the way."

"It doesn't hurt as bad, but I'm afraid to look in the mirror."

I got off Luke's lap and held my hand out to him and pulled him off the sofa as well. He gave me a questioning look but followed along. We got to his room and I shut the door. We spend a lot of time in here. I enjoyed spending time with Luke alone though. That was besides the point I wanted to check Luke's back and I know he wouldn't show me downstairs in front of his parents.

"Take off your shirt."

Luke looked taken aback.


"I just want to check your back, please Luke I'm not going to hurt you."

He took off his shirt and turned around. I smiled looking at his back. It looked much better you could still tell there were cuts but they were healing good and they didn't look infected at all. I ran my hand down Luke's back softly and he shivered at my touch. It felt good knowing what I could do to him. He turned around to look at me.

"How is it?"

"I think you should look for yourself."

He walked over to his mirror and tuned so he could see his back. His face brightened as he saw it looked much better.

"Wow, it l-looks way better." He said.

"Yes it does. It looks beautiful just like the rest of you."

"Stop calling me beautiful, you're making me feel like the girl in this relationship. I'm suppose to be saying those things to you." He said blushing.

I laughed and hugged him. It felt good hugging him without a shirt on. His skin was so soft and warm. His back seemed so tense. Then I had a brilliant idea.

"Luke do you want a back massage?" I asked.

"That was random." He said with a smirk on his face.

"I-I just noticed how tense you were" I said blushing.

He walked over to the bed and laid on his stomach.

"Sure. I could go for one. But I want to give you one afterwards." He said.


I climbed onto the bed and straddled Luke's lower back. I then started gently massaging his shoulders and made my way all the way through his back. Working out all the knots and tense places.

"That felt so good. I'm going to want you to do that all the time now." Luke said smiling.

"I don't mind." I said honestly.

I really didn't mind. It was nice to know I could make Luke less tense. I liked seeing him calm and happy. Luke yawned and rolled onto his back as I laid down beside him.

"Your turn." He said sleepily.

"Tomorrow, I don't have school and neither do you. You're tired right now. Just sleep."

"Okay. But my stomach hurts I think I'm going to get some milk I'll be-"

Before he could say anymore I knew exactly what he wanted I cuddled up next to him and rubbed his tummy just like before. Even though he was a teenager he reminded me of a child. Even though he had this rough exterior he was the most fragile and gentle person I've ever met and I was honoured that he let me in to see the real him.

"Thank you." He whispered.

"You're welcome. Now sleep. I know you need it."

I kissed his cheek and waited for him to fall asleep before I drifted off into a deep sleep.

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