My Hero

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****Skyy's P.O.V****

"Are you hungry." Ryan asked.

The last thing I could think about was food right now. We were currently sitting in the kitchen at the island and I refused to talk to Ryan. Luke probably hates me now.

"Answer me Skyy!" Ryan yelled as he slammed his fist onto the counter.

I flinched but I still didn't respond. I wasn't giving into him.

"Alright fine be that way. I've tried to be nice but your being a horrible guest. Let's go to my bedroom." He said pulling me by the arm.

I tried to get out of his grasp but he just held onto my arm harder and it was really starting to hurt. I gave up fighting.

"Lay down on the bed, bitch." He commanded.

I didn't move I just stood there frozen. He shoved me into the bed roughly and I fell on my back. He than went over to his dresser and got some rope and began tying my body to the bed. He finally put a bandana over my eyes so I couldn't see. He than began to climb on top of me and I hurt him undoing his belt buckle. I then began to panic.

"R-Ryan don't do this." I begged trying not to let the fear slip into my words but I failed.

He just laughed.

"If you were not so stubborn I wouldn't have to tie you up."

He then started to remove my pants and then my shirt. I felt tears in my eyes and I just wanted to be far away from here.

"Finally I get you alone so I can do what I've wanted to do to you since the day we started dating. This won't hurt a bit Skyy. I'll go slow." His voice sounded like it had some humour in it.

I then couldn't help but let out a whimpered cry.

"Stop crying!" He yelled.

He was about to undress me completely when I heard the bedroom down smash open.


****Luke's P.O.V****

I pulled up to Ryan's driveway. I was pissed and worried at the same time. I could feel it in my gut that Skyy was here.

The front door wasn't even locked so I opened the door and walked right into the house. There was no sign of anyone as I looked around I suddenly heard someone yell. It sounded like it was coming from the back hall. I quickly ran to the hall and saw a door that was shut and there were sounds coming from the other side. I then broke down the door to find Skyy tied to a bed with nothing but her bra and underwear. Ryan was hovering over her undoing his pants.

"WHAT THE FUCK." I yelled.

I couldn't believe this asshole. He jumped and turned around to see me. I ripped him off of Skyy and punched him so hard his was knocked out cold. I kept punching him and then I remembered Skyy. I got up from punching Ryan and went over to the bed. I slowly removed Skyy's blindfold. She had tears running down her face and she was shaking.

"L-Luke." She whispered.

"Shh it's okay baby, I'm here. Let me untie you. Stay still."

She nodded her head and I untied her arms and legs. Once she was untied I cradled her in my lap and she sobbed. Once she seamed to stop crying a bit I picked up her clothes from the ground and dressed her. She was still shaking so I picked her up and her arms and legs instantly wrapped around me. I got out my phone and called 911. This bastard was going to pay for hurting Skyy.

After hanging up the phone I gently rubbed Skyy's back and cooed that it was going to be alright in her ear.

"It's okay, I'm here Skyy. He's not going to hurt you."

The police and paramedics arrived they made sure Skyy had no injuries and let is leave. The police wanted to ask us a few questions and I answered all of them because Skyy was still holding onto me for dear life.

I put Skyy in the car and headed home. I held her hand the whole way home and rubbed my thumb over the back of her hand to try to keep her calm.

We got home and I took Skyy right up to my room. My parents were at work so we were home alone. She seemed like she didn't want to talk so I didn't push her. She crawled into bed and I followed behind her and held onto her. I was glad she was safe but I wanted her to talk.

"Are you alright?"

She simply nodded her head.

"Talk to me."

"Tomorrow" she croaked.

"Okay, good night Skyy. I love you"

"I love you too." Was the last thing she said before drifting off to sleep.

I was so happy to have Skyy in my life. I don't know what I'd do without her. I was so depressed and miserable before she came into my life and she totally turned my outlook on life around and I'm forever grateful of that. I hated seeing her get hurt and it seemed like that was happening a lot lately.

****Skyy's P.O.V****

I woke up sweating and screaming. I had a bad dream about Ryan. I couldn't get his face out of my head he was haunting me.

"Hey, it's alright." Luke said rubbing my back.

I snuggled closer to him. He was so warm. I felt bad for waking him up with my bad dreams.

"Sorry for waking you."

"It's fine, I wasn't really sleeping anyways." He reassured me.

"How come you weren't sleeping?" I asked.

"Just thinking about how I can keep you safe." He mumbled.

"Stop worrying about me okay. Please try getting some sleep. Here lay on your back."

Luke hesitated before turning onto his back. I gently put my hand on his tummy and started rubbing circular motions. I knew how much he loved that.

"You know I should be the one comforting you right now. I'm a horrible boyfriend." He muttered.

"You're not a horrible boyfriend. Just laying with you is comforting."

"Can I tell you something Skyy." He asked randomly.

"Uhm sure."

"If you were any other girl my parents wouldn't be letting me sleep with you. You'd be in the guest room. They really love you Skyy. They see you as there daughter they never had. Mom always wanted a daughter and a son but once she had me she couldn't carry a baby she kept having miscarriages. I think that's one of the reasons she is really drawn to you."

Wow. I couldn't ask to be staying with any better people. These people were truly amazing and it felt good to be loved.

"I love you and your parents so much. For once in a long time I feel like I belong and I am never going to able to thank you enough."

"Just you being around, smiling is enough of a thanks for me."

"I love you Luke, so much."

"I love you too Skyy. More than you will ever know."

We then went back to sleep dreaming of amazing things to come in out future.

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