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Damon POV

I was holding Elena in my arms. She was unconscious and she looked like as if she were about to break. I stood up with her in my arms and walked to our bedroom. I gently put my hand on Elena's belly as I walked up stairs to the bedroom.

I open the door and walk inside and then put elena on the bed. I got an IV that Meredith told me was for the pain. I put the bag on the hanger and then brought the small tube and hooked it on to the small IV needle that was taped on to her hand

After the IV is hooked up, I walked back to the kitchen and got a glass of water for her. I go back up stairs then I just sit down on the bed beside her and wait for her to wake up.

"Damon?"i hear Elena's soft voice. Her throat was dry and raspy.

"I'm here Elena, here drink this"i said as I grabbed the glass of water.

"Thanks"Elena said as she sat up in the bed. She grabbed the drink and took a sip.

I just give her a soft smile. I move my hand on her belly, her eyes move up and look up at mine.

"Do you have any pain, are you feeling ok"i asked with a little worry in my voice

"No, but I feel a little woozy"elena said as she put her glass on the nightstand.

"That's the medicine, Meredith told me to give to you when your pains started again"i said

I could tell the spell was over already, her belly had gotten bigger just over since we have been here.

"The spell has stopped, and it turns out both Bonnie and Meredith were wrong cause it ended after two days"i said with anger in my voice

"How do you know it stopped"Elena asked

"Because you belly has gotten bigger"i said and give her belly a small pat. I smiled at her as she looked up at me.

"So that means the spell didn't really work then"Elena asked with a sad sigh

"Which means, I need to get you back home. Your not safe here"i said

"What, Damon I'm not going back. I'm as safe is I possibly could be" Elena said stubbornly

"There's no Doctor here to keep an eye on you"I said as I looked into her eyes

Her eyes looked normal, but if you looked deep enough, you could tell that she was worried. She was hiding but not well enough

"Doing it would be safer for you and the baby. I'm not a real doctor you could still be in really bad pain"i said with worry in my voice

"That's why Meredith gave you all of the medicine, that I will need"Elena said as she sat up in bed

"What if you get sicker"i asked with defeat

"Then I will get sicker, but I'm fine now. So stop worrying ok?"Elena said with a cocked eyebrow

"It's my job to protect you, I will never stop worrying about you"i said

"And it's my job to keep an eye on you, so what happened in 1953"Elena said with worry but I could detect a little fear as well

"Well it was February 18 1953"i said then looked up at the ceiling as I remember


I was standing in the boarding house looking for Stefan, but he wasn't insight. I see a maid cleaning then the next thing I know I'm heading face first into the floor

I wake up in a cell of some sort. I was weak and tried but most of all hungry

I was I hell

Elena POV

I was looking at damon as he was thinking what to say. He seemed to have fear on his face, he was having flashbacks.

"Damon are you ok?"i asked with worry in my voice

Damon's eyes flash open and then nodded his head at me with a small sad smile on his beautiful face.

"I went to the boarding house, cause I was told Stefan wanted to see me, but I guess a psycho doctor wanted to just lock me in a cell and torture me instead, so I made I friend after a couple of months being tortured deprived of blood. Even though at the end of the day at every night I wanted to flip the switch, he told me not too. So after five years him and I made a plan to escape and I did get out, but the place caught fire. I couldn't just leave him there so I flipped the switch off and walked out"damon said the end with a sad sigh

"I'm sorry, I never knew how strong and brave you are I wish, ...I was there with you so ....I could hold you..."i said with hot tears in my eyes

"Elena I'm glad you went with me then,cause that man probably would have done horrendous things to you, things that kills me just thinking about it"damon said then grabbed me hand and held mine in his

"Well I'm glad, I'm with you now"i said with a smile

"Ok, I need to get something's straight"damon said in a strict tone of voice

"Like what things"i asked with cocked eyebrow

"Like no leaving the bed with out my help and if you feel any pain at all you have to tell me. I don't care how small the pain is you have to tell me Elena got it"damon said

"Ok I got it"i said with a defeated sigh


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