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Hello My whole class is sick, so now I'm sick too😭 Anyway let's continue with the story

Lovino's POV

"Wait, you can't go into that weather. Stay here the night..."

I was surprised by my outburst. Why the hell did I say that. "Really? Thanks Lovi!" He said and hugged me. "My name is Lovino and you're sleeping on the couch," I said once he stopped hugging me.

Antonio's POV

"Aww, can't I sleep with you tonight," I whined giving him my world famous puppy dog eyes. He glared at me for a few minutes before he gave in. "Fine, just don't do anything," Lovino said sighing. I smiled at him. "Of course I won't do anything," I said holding my hands up as if to surrender. Just then I got a phone call. I took out my phone and looked at who is calling. Belle. Lovino leant over to see who it is. I put her on speaker phone.

"Hello how was the date," she practically screamed into the phone. "I'm still on the date," I said. "Then what are you doing talking to me get back to your date," she said in a lecturing tone. "I'm not his date," Lovino suddenly said. "Who's that Antonio?" Belle asked surprised that a new person has joined the conversation. "That's my date, say hello," I said teasingly(specifically at Lovino). "I'm not your date bastard!" Lovino yelled. Belle was laughing. "Don't laugh," Lovino mumbled blushing. "Get back to the date you two. Oh and Antonio, boss said you can have off till Monday," Belle said. "Thanks Belle. Bye," I greeted her. "Bye, don't have to much fun," she said, even though we were talking on the phone I could hear she had a smirk on her face. "Hey-!" Lovino was about to shout again, but Belle hung up.

Lovino pouted as I laughed. "Who was that in the first place," Lovino mumbled. "Ohh, is my date jealous," I teased him. "One I'm not your date, second I'm not jealous. Why would I be jealous," he looked away still pouting. I laughed. "She's one of my best friends and she teases people like that don't worry," I said still laughing a little bit. He glared at me for a second till he stood up and went to wash the dishes.

"Hey, don't be like that, I was only teasing you and she was too," I said following after him. He glared at me then sighed. "It's alright. Go sit on the couch I'm just going to wash the dishes," he finally replied and shooed me away. "But I want to help," I whined. "Fine can you wash the dishes while I dry them and put them away," he offered already getting a towel. I started cleaning the dishes and started humming a song. Later me and Lovino were having a sing along. Once we were done we were out of breath and kind of laughing. "You are a really good singer Mr. Vargas," I laughed a little and smiled at him. "You too Mr. Fernandez," he laughed. We sat on the couch and talked. Then we watched TV till we both fell asleep.

Few hours later~

Lovino's POV

I was awoken by the clock ringing, signaling that it was midnight. It took me a minute to realize that one, me and Antonio fell asleep on the couch and two, he had his arm around my waist pulling me close, while my head was on his shoulder and my arm draped over his chest. I blushed at the realization and immediately stood up. Antonio woke up too. "How late is it," he asked rubbing his eyes. "It's midnight let's go to bed," I said leading him to the bedroom.

We both climbed in the bed. Antonio fell asleep, faster than Spain's Armada could sink. While I lied awake thinking about how I woke up. How did that even happen? I thought to myself. Soon I fell asleep too, not knowing what my sleep would bring...

Antonio's POV

I was woken up by Lovino moving next to me. I look at the clock, 03:45. I rub my eyes and looked at Lovino sleeping next to me. His face was twisted into a shocked expression. I looked at him weirdly. Until he started to speak. He said stuff like no or stop. He started to move around like crazy and he started to cry.

I shook him awake. He finally woke up, still with a terrified expression. It took him a moment before he became aware of his surroundings. "Why did you wake me up bastard,?" he mumbled a question. "It looked like you were having an awful nightmare. Do you want to talk about it?" I asked in a calming voice. He shook his head, although he still looked terrified by the nightmare.

I hugged him. "What are you doing bastard?" He asked sharply, but did nothing to get me off. "I'm hugging you. You look like you need it," I replied stroking his hair for comfort. A few seconds later he started crying uncontrollably. "Shh, I'm here. I won't let anyone or anything hurt you," I whispered soothingly. He started hugging back. He cried and I kept whispering soothing things into his ear. He fell asleep in my arms. I laid back down, still hugging Lovino tightly. I kissed the top of his head and soon fell asleep too.

Hello Okay this is short, but I will have another chapter out by tomorrow. I always write at like 10 in the night so I have to go to bed, so good night for me. Hope you enjoyed this. Votes and Comments will be greatly appreciated. Until next time...

Bye bye

(BTW. Do you think I should do a chapter about Italy and Germany and about how they fall in love. If so comment and I will do an extra chapter)

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