Our happy ever after

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Hellooo This is the last chapter for this book, tho there is going to be a disclaimer too. Hope you enjoy this chapter

Antonio's POV

It has been a few years since I quit the mafia along with Francis, Gilbert, Belle, Ludwig and of course my little Lovi. I work as a police officer with Gilbert, Belle and Ludwig (Francis is a doctor). While on the other hand Lovi works with Arthur at the restaurant (meaning whenever we eat there it's for free! A dream come true, to be honest).

Ludwig and Feliciano has been married for a year and they are still in love as much as when they first started dating. Turns out the Canadian Gilbert saved during the mafia fight was actually Francis's brother (stepbrother to be exact). They have been dating for a couple of months. I hear from Lovino that Arthur has been dating his roommate for a couple of months too.

In the first year of me and Lovi dating we actually made our own house (with some help of course). While we were working on the house Ludwig and Feliciano let us stay at their place for the time being. Now that I think back on it that was a really odd adventure as some might say, but it still brings laughter when we bring it up. Like one time...


After a long day at work I helped Lovino on the house. He was also tired and kept ordering me to do stuff. "Just pound the nail into the wall," he said getting frustrated. "How about I pound you against the wall," I said without thinking, only thinking about it afterwards. I look over at Lovi to see he was redder than a tomato. "Shut up," Lovi muttered standing up. I stood up with him and kissed him on the cheek. "Eres adorable Lovi," I whispered in his ear. He blushed even more. "You know, I know what you just said right," he said still blushing. "I am fully aware of that," I said and hugged him.

Flashback end~

We were watching a horror movie with Arthur and Alfred (obviously Alfred was the one who suggested it and is now to afraid to do anything). Lovino had fallen asleep in my arms in the middle of the movie. I gently played with his hair till the movie was over.

"Where is the guest bedroom," Arthur asked standing up at the end of the movie, Alfred following his movement. I looked at him confusedly. "Lovino said we could stay here for the night," Arthur explained tiredly as the American held him like a life line. "Upstairs, second room on the right," I said pointing to the staircase. "Thank you," Arthur said and left the room, Alfred running afterwards yelling "wait for me".

I look down to see Lovi peacefully asleep in my arms. I think about the last few years we have been together. The sad, happy and funny memories came to mind. I smiled and held Lovi closer. I want to spend my whole life like this. With the guy I love most in my arms and with me forever...

I have been thinking about it for the last couple of weeks and I finally made my decision. Lovi's birthday is next week. Time to give him the surprise of a lifetime. I think I will need a little help tho...

A week later~

Lovino's POV

Today is my birthday. I sigh as I stand up and go to the kitchen. I wasn't very fond of my birthday. Cause everyone always focused on Feli and Feli only, forgetting that it was my birthday as well. I go to the counter to find a note.

Hey Lovi♥️


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