What have I done

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Hellooo Hope you enjoy this chapter. So let's continue.

Lovino's POV

What have I done...

I look through the window to see Antonio tied up and whip marks all over his body. He was passed out. The guy I guess tortured him came out of the room. "Well done Nico," everyone (except me) screamed in excitement. "Yeah, now that the best fighter isn't there, there won't be anyone to protect them now," he smiled. "Thank you Lovino you were a real big help," one of the guys said patting my back.

Once all of them left I ran inside the room. "Antonio!!!" I screamed and hugged him. "What have I done," I kept whispering over and over to myself. "Hmm Lovi, what are you doing here? Are you hurt? I swear if they touched you-" Antonio woke up. I hugged him tighter. "No they didn't hurt me or capture me," I mumbled. "Then what are you doing here," Antonio asked confused. "I..work..here," I said hesitantly.

Antonio looked at me surprised. "Wait so you only used me for information. You didn't want to be my friend in the first place. I was just your little toy," Antonio screamed and I stopped hugging him and backed away. "No... No! I want to be your friend. I didn't use you," I started to cry. "I hate you! I should've known someone so perfect couldn't be real," Antonio screamed. I felt my heart shatter and more tears escape my eyes. It was silent for a moment. "Antonio...," I said moving closer to him. "Leave me alone. I don't want to see you ever again," he screamed at me and I ran out.

I still had tears in my eyes as I ran to Ludwig's office, only to find he wasn't there. I ran to where Feli was being held and practically kicked open the door. I see Feliciano in Ludwig's arms. "Lovino what's wrong," Feliciano asked standing up and moving closer to me. "You bastard," I screamed and ran to Ludwig. I almost punched him, but Feli stood in front of him. "Please don't hurt him. And please tell us what's wrong," Feliciano pleaded.

I lowered my hand. "Antonio is being tortured as we speak and you are the boss of the mafia. So you are controlling whatever they do to him," I screamed tears rolling down my cheeks. "You love Antonio," Ludwig said or asked I couldn't quite tell. "Yes I love Antonio! While your sitting here lovey dovey, he is there getting tortured," I screamed for the whole world to hear.

"Well what do you say we quit the mafia and run away," he smiled. I looked at him confusedly. "What?" I simply said. "Me and Feli were talking and we don't want to be in the mafia anymore. We wanted to ask if you wanted to come with us," Ludwig said gesturing to Feli. "We can get Antonio out too," Feliciano smiled. "Thank you," I kept repeating over and over, hugging both of them.

"Now we just need a plan to sneak all of us out..."

Antonio's POV

Lovino ran out of the room, before I could stop him. "Wait Lovi come back. I didn't mean it. I love you," I wanted to scream, but it came out as a whisper. What have I done. It's probably not even his fault. I still love him. Why did I scream that? Ugh I hate myself right now. He deserves better than me.

I groaned. Just then the same guy who tortured me earlier entered the room once again. "Are you going to start talking now," he smirked a whip in his hand. I shake my head as a no. "Well then let's see what breaks first your bones or you," the guy smirked. I growled at him.

Few hours later~

I pretended to be asleep so the guards won't torture me. I kept thinking about Lovi. He probably hates me now. I hear the door open. I knew what was coming. "I'm not going to speak," I mumbled weakly. "It's me bastard," the familiar Italian accent was heard. I immediately look up and see Lovi cutting the ropes. "Lovi!!!"~ I screamed. "Quiet," he said kneeling down to my height after he was done cutting the rope. I hugged him tightly. I didn't care about how much it hurt all I care about right now is Lovi. "I'm so so so sorry. I didn't mean it. I don't know where it came from," I kept apologizing. "It's alright bastard," Lovino said and helped me up.

We walked outside and came to a car. I climbed in and was met by Feli and Ludwig. "What are you two doing here," I asked looking at the two as Ludwig started driving. "I'm the boss of this mafia and Feli is one of the prisoners," Ludwig explained. I was surprised. "You are what?! Does Gilbert know?" I asked surprised. "Yes I think so, but we never bring it up," Ludwig answered.

The rest of the car ride was silent. Feli fell asleep and Lovino was distantly looking out the window. "Look Lovi, I'm really sorry for what I said back there I did not mean it. Please forgive me," I said pleadingly. "Alright I forgive you," Lovino mumbled and looked at me with tired eyes. I lifted my arm so he could cuddle with me. He immediately took the chance and cuddled into me. Both of us falling asleep quite fast. One thought crossed my mind before I fell asleep.

Where are we going in the first place

Hellooo Hope you enjoyed. Till next time.

Bye bye

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