The next morining

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Hello Thanks to FaithBlauert for the support, I really appreciate it. This is also going to be short(well I don't know how much I'm gonna write in this chapter). The chapters will get longer than this I promise😅. Okay, now on with the story

Lovino's POV

I woke up to my alarm going off. I forgot to turn it off yesterday. I mentally cursed myself. I reached for my phone and turn the alarm off. I put the phone back on the table and laid back down. I realize that Antonio was already out of bed and he was making breakfast in the kitchen. I hop out of bed and go to the kitchen.

"Good morning Lovi. Are you alright? You had a pretty bad dream last night," He greeted me, putting eggs and bacon on a plate with toast. "Good morning bastard and yeah I'm alright," I mumbled still sleepy. "That's good. Will you tell me what the dream was about?" he asked as we sat down on the couch. "No, it's nothing. Just leave it," I said thinking back to the dream, a shiver running down my spine.

He seemed to notice and looked at me seriously. "You can tell me anything," he said patting my back. I flinched. "Like I said, it's nothing to worry about," I mumbled. "Will you at least tell me what it was about," he said in a pleading tone. "My past coming back to haunt me," I said looking down. "Is it about your brothers," he asked still patting my back. I shook my head. "Not exactly," I said and began to eat.

Antonio turned on the TV and we ate in silence. Just then a loud thunder was heard from the distance. I flinched. I grabbed the nearest pillow and hugged it. Antonio looked at me for a moment then laughed quietly. "What are you laughing at bastard," I said still clinging to the pillow. "Are you scared of thunderstorms," he grinned. "Yes and for good reason too," I pouted looking out the window. "And why are you afraid of thunderstorms?" Antonio asked still softly laughing. "It brings bad luck," I mumbled into the pillow. He stopped laughing and looked at me seriously.

"What do you mean by that," he asked seriously. "My mom and dad died on a stormy night and my ex gambled all our money on a stormy night," I looked out the window as it started pouring. "Oh, I'm sorry for laughing," he looked down apologetically. "It's alright you didn't know," I said and finally looked at his emerald eyes that was looking at the floor as if it is the most interesting thing in the world. "Do you want me to stay with you or should I leave?" he suddenly asked after a few minutes of silence. "Stay, I don't want you to get hurt," I whispered, embarrassed that I showed weakness to a guy I have only known for a few days. He looked up the spark in his eyes reappearing. "Thank you Lovi," he excitedly said and hugging me. I didn't hug back, but I didn't try to get him off.

"Just till the rain stops and then you can go home," I said and flinched as another thunderbolt sounded through the sky, just a lot closer this time. I hugged him back and he giggled.

Antonio's POV

"Don't worry the mighty Antonio will protect you," I said holding him closer. He glared up at me and then cuddled closer as the thunderstorm grew worse. "Shut up bastard. You are going to tell no one about this," he mumbled into my chest. I laughed and heard my phone ring. I see Francis skype calling me. I answer the call.

I see Francis, Gilbert and Belle. "Hello Francey-pants," I smiled, Lovino giggling a bit. "How was the date," Gilbert asked. "Don't call me that," Francis replied annoyed. "Yes, can you finally tell us how it went?" Belle said excitedly. "Well about that..."

"Don't tell me you ba-" Belle started, but was cut off. "No he didn't!" Lovino yelled. "Antonio who was that?" Francis asked looking around. "And where are you, that's not your house," Gilbert noticed. I stopped hugging Lovino and he did the same. He sat next to me and stared at the camera. "This is my da- I mean this is Lovino," I introduced rubbing my neck. "Good choice bastard," Lovino whispered so only I could hear. "Oh he is hot," Francis winked specifically at Lovino, blowing a kiss at him. I growled. Lovino blushed.

Lovino's POV

"Don't mind Francis over there. I'm Belle and that's Gilbert," Belle introduced. "Gilbert, the one who flirted with the broom," I said recalling from Wednesday. Antonio, Belle and Francis started laughing and Gilbert pouted. "Anyway so how was the date," Gilbert immediately changed the subject. "It was great. Lovi is the best cook ever," Antonio smiled.

"You cook!? Antonio you have found a keeper," Belle teased. "I cooked for two brothers, I'm sure I can cook pretty well. And what does that mean!?" I shouted the last part. "Anyway, we just wanted to see how the date went. Enjoy the rest of the date. Oh and Lovino if you and Antonio don't work out, just call me and I will be there for you.  Goodbye then," Francis said and hung up. Antonio growled softly. "I swear that Francis," he sighed. "Francis is the blond, right. The one who kept flirting with me," I asked to make sure. "Yip," Antonio sighed again.

Then there was a loud thunderbolt just miles away from us. I jumped and immediately hugged Antonio. He stroked my hair softly and hugged me tight. He softly sang a Spanish lullaby and continued to stroke my hair. I soon fell asleep in his arms, completely relaxed and safe(I hope).

Couple hours later~

Antonio shook me awake and I realized the sun was shining. "Come look at this," he helped me up. He took me to the window. "What is it?" I asked sleepily rubbing my eyes. "A rainbow," he pointed to the huge rainbow. I haven't seen one in forever. "Wow," I said amazed. "How late is it?" I asked. "It's 3 in the noon," he looked at his watch, I didn't notice he had on.

"Would you like some hot chocolate," I asked going to the kitchen. "Yes please," he said and laid down on the couch, ready to fall asleep. "Alright, I'll be right back," I said and went to make hot chocolate.

Antonio's POV

I was just about to fall asleep when I heard a scream come from the kitchen. I hurriedly stood up and ran to the kitchen. "Lovino are you alright?" I asked urgently. He was at the sink rinsing something off his hand, "What happened?!" I yelled as I took Lovino's hand. He immediately winced. "Ow, don't touch it bastard," he said taking his hand away.

"What happened?" I repeated this time only softer. "I accidentally poured the hot water on my hand," he said getting the Aloe Vera and the bandages. "Here let me do it," I said and took the supplies. He hesitantly gave me his hand and I put Aloe Vera on it. Once I was done I wrap it in bandages. I finished the hot chocolate and we both sit on the couch. "Are you alright?" I asked concerned. "Yeah, guess so," he shrugged. "You should be more careful, you could've seriously injured yourself," I said in a lecturing tone.

"Antonio, I'm alright, don't worry," he assured me. Once we were finished with our drinks it was time for me to go to my house. "So when is our next date," I asked as we stood in the doorway. "What about next week Friday," Lovino said smiling a tiny smile. "Alright then it's settled next week Friday at my place," I announced to the whole world. Lovino giggled a little. "Alright. Ciao, Mr. Fernandez," he said. "Adios Mr. Vargas," I smiled at him. And like that we parted our own ways. I can't wait till Friday...

Lovino's POV

I smiled as I watched Antonio walk away. I haven't had that much fun with someone in like forever. Just then I heard my phone ring. Unknown number. I looked suspiciously at my phone before answering the call.


Lovino: Hello this is Lovino Vargas. What the hell do you want?

Unknown: I told you this wasn't over love...

Hello Okay, not a really good place to end it(who am I kidding, it's the best place to end a chapter). Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter. Oh and btw. I use Google translate for all my languages, because I only know English and Afrikaans so if the translations are wrong please tell me so I can change it. The next chapter is going to be a Italy and Germany backstory on what happened Wednesday-Saturday.

Bye bye till next time❣❣❣

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