You're staying with me

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HelloooI have nothing to say, so let's continue. (Warning: A lot of angst)

Antonio's POV

I woke up with Lovi in my arms. He was still asleep and it didn't look like he was going to wake up any time soon. I softly climb out of bed, careful not to wake him up. I go down stairs to see Francis was making pancakes and Gilbert was playing with his pet bird on the couch.

"Good morning you guys," I muttered sitting next to Gilbert. "Good morning lover boy. How's Lovino?" Francis asked setting down a plate of pancakes with maple syrup on it. "Mine get your own," Gilbert stuck out his tongue and grabbed the plate. "My brother will really like you," Francis mumbled putting a plate in front of me. "Well Lovino is doing great. He is just sleeping," I sighed hoping he is truly alright.

"So if you think your brother will like me, why do you never introduce us?" Gilbert asked with his mouth full. "Matthew is really shy," Francis answered eating his pancakes. And so we kept talking and eating till someone came down the stairs.

Lovino POV

I jolted up in bed. I had cold sweat running down my forehead and I had tears streaming down my face. I realize that Antonio is not next to me. I think back on the dream I just had.  More tears streaming down my face. I stand up, but immediately sit back down because of the pain. I waited a couple of minutes before trying to stand up again, this time succeeding. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I think back to the dream.

Flashback to the dream~

I woke up in my apartment. I got a text from Antonio that said I should meet him at the coffee shop a few blocks from here. When I arrive at the coffee shop I see Antonio across the shop. I smiled a genuine smile and ran up to him. "Hello Anto-," I laughed running up to him, but stopped once I realized something...

He was kissing a girl with blonde hair, with a green bow in her hair. I was stunned. "Oh hey Lovino. I called you over to tell you that all we had is over. I'm dating Belle so don't come near her or me. I never want to see your ugly face again," Antonio smirked kissing Belle again.

After I was paralyzed in place for a few moments, I run away from the scene that was unfolding right before me. I started crying and in all honesty I wanted to scream all my pain away. I ran across the street without looking left and right. Realizing a little too late that a truck was coming...

End of dream flash back~

Lovino POV

I shook my head. Why do I care so much? I put on my clothing from yesterday and went downstairs.

Antonio's POV

"Good morning everyone," Lovino said groggily and sat next to me. "Good morning Lovino," Gilbert and Francis smiled. "How are you feeling Lovi," I said and looked him up and down, noticing his red and puffy eyes. "I'm alright. What happened to Mike? Please tell me that bastard is dead," Lovino muttered tiredly. "Will this answer your question," Gilbert said and showed him a video.

Mike Adams was arrested again after an unknown number called the police and said they had seen him at the supermarket. He tried shooting a police officer. He will be sentenced to death by Friday.

"Thank goodness," Lovino muttered. "By the way where are we," Lovino asked looking around. "We're at my house," I answered. I gave him my leftover pancakes. He took it and muttered a quick 'thank you' before eating it. "So Lovino, do you like anyone," Francis asked. Me and Lovino glared at him. Don't you dare Francis, I mouthed to him.

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