Save me

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Hellooo Thanks for the encouragement from last chapter. So let's continue with the story. (This is all what happened on Monday.)

Lovino's POV

I woke up to the sunlight hitting my face. I groaned in pain. My whole body had cuts on  it. I realized that I was tied to bed. Suddenly I hear the door open.

"Good morning love. How are you feeling," Mike came in with a smiling face. I glared at him. "I'm feeling great, thank you for asking," I said sarcastically slightly rolling my eyes at him. His cheerful smile turned into a frown. "What did I say about being rude to me love?" he asked frowning, but then turning back into his cheerful smile. I just stayed silent and glared at him.

"So you have a relationship with Antonio Fernandez Carriedo," he said holding up my phone. I stared at him in shock. "You know I heard Antonio and his friends talking about you. He seems to have an interest in you. But I will never let him have you. You love me more then him right. He will just leave you, maybe he just wants you to make Belle jealous. Maybe he loves Belle more then you," he chuckled lightly. I don't know why, but I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. "Shut up!!!" I screamed at him. "So you do care about him," he said disappointedly and walk out the door. "Guess I know who to kill first," I heard him whisper at the other side of the door.

Oh no, what have I done. Does Antonio really 'love' someone more than me. I felt my heart sink. Why would I care anyway. He can love whoever he wants, even if that person isn't me. Do I really care that much about Antonio? I shook my head. No! I do not like that tomato loving bastard.

Just then I heard the door open and close signaling that Mike has left. First I try to get free, only to fail. I sighed. I took the time and examined all the cuts on my body,  some with dried up blood. Some are still bleeding. I sighed. Someone please save me...

About an hour later I hear the door burst open. Oh no he's back. "Lovino!!! Are you here?! Where are you?!" I heard the familiar Spanish accent. Antonio!!! "I'm here bastard," I croaked out, my voice still a bit hoarse.

Antonio's POV

I kick the door open. The scent of blood and vomit hit me like a truck. I swear I'm gonna kill this bastard...

I look around the tiny living room and kitchen to make sure Mike isn't here(he can be happy he wasn't). I motioned for Francis and Gilbert to walk in. "Lovino!!! Are you here!? Where are you!?" I screamed. It was silent for a moment, before a voice came from the bedroom. "I'm here bastard," I heard Lovino croak out. I sighed in relief. He's still alive.

I run to the bedroom, Francis and Gilbert following me. I practically kicked open the door. Lovino was on the bed, half naked, with a lot of cuts. I immediately run to him and untie the rope. Once I was done, I hugged him tightly(well the tightest that I could that won't actually hurt him.) He hesitantly hugged back, burying his face into the crook of my neck. "I'm glad you're okay," I whispered. "Do I look okay to you," Lovino said gesturing to the cuts. "Even with scars you are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," I smiled at him helping him to sit up. He blushed, but it disappeared when he winced.

"Okay love birds, let's get out of here before Mike comes back shall we," Gilbert chuckled. I picked Lovino up bridal style and carried him to the front door(that was broken, because I broke it). "You owe me a new door," Lovino muttered. I laughed a little. "Of course Lovi," I smiled at him. "Let's go," I said and grabbed a blanket, putting it on him. We walked down the stairs and to my car. Once we were in my car, Gilbert drove, Francis was in the front seat and Lovi was asleep in arms.

I played with his messy and greasy hair. "So what are we going to do with Mike?" Gilbert asked while driving. "I'm going to kill him," I answered seriously. Francis looked at us to see that we were all cuddled up against each other. He smiled and said,"You two make such a cute couple." I looked down to look at Lovino. I smiled. He really is beautiful. And so we continued to drive to my house.

Lovino's POV

I woke up and realized that I had bandages all over my body and I was in someone's bed. I looked out the window to see that it was already night. I looked around the room and noticed right next to me Antonio fell asleep on a chair.

I gently touch his hand. "Antonio," I whispered. Antonio opened his eyes. Even in the dark his eyes were emeralds, shining like the stars. "Hello Lovi," he smiled. "You need to get some sleep. I will go sleep on the couch. Buonnos noches," he immediately stated and stood up ready to leave. I sit up and grab his wrist. He looks at me surprised. "This is your bed if I'm correct, you should be the one sleeping in it," I mumbled. "But Lovi, you can't sleep on the couch, you need to be comfortable," he smiled making ready to leave again. With all the strength I had I pulled him onto the bed. "Then please stay with me," I mumbled. I could see his his cheeks go red and his emerald eyes sparkle.

"Really?" he asked. I nodded my head. He climbed into bed and was ready to fall asleep. He had his back to me. I snuggled into his back. We stayed like that for a few moments before he turned over and held up his arm, inviting me to cuddle. I almost immediately cuddle with him. He was fast asleep in the first few minutes. I looked up at him.

This beautiful boy would surely never love someone like me. There are a lot more people that are more beautiful and worth more than I am. Why does this hurt me so much? Maybe Mike was right, maybe I do like/love him. But maybe he is also right about the Belle part. Does he love me...

Helloooo Okay:

One: I'm so tired😭😭 But I can't fall asleep so maybe this will help.

Two: Romano you are perfect and yes Spain does love you.

Three: Okay, I forgot about this. Story time:
About a month ago one of my best friends showed me this game where you tell how much a person loves another person (Or how compatible the names are). So first I tried Prucan/Pranada, 81%, next UsUk, 85%. Next GerIta, 72%, HRE and Chibitalia, 72%. (Coincidence, I think not!!!) Then of course I tried Spamano, Spain loves Romano 97%. And I was like 'OMG YES'.

Four: I live in SA so I don't take Spanish classes (although I would love to😭). I either get my translations from Google or I read it somewhere.

Anyway, so hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next chapter will be out ASAP. Thank you for the support and making me continue this

Till next time amigos

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