Monday Madness

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Hello I'm so not in the mood for school tomorrow😨 Anyway hope you enjoy

Lovino's POV

Lovino: This is Lovino Vargas. What do you want bastard?

Unknown: I told you this isn't over love~

I felt my heart stop. No this can't be. Not again.

Lovino: What... What do you want from... from me?

Unknown: Like I said before, I want you back~

Lovino: And like I said before, never you're a psycho!!!

Unknown: You still love me, love

Lovino: No way!!! I hate you! You hurt me!

Unknown: I'm a new man, love

Lovino: *hangs up*


I hang up not wanting to continue the call. Instead I try to call Feliciano. No answer. Next I try to call Antonio(tho I just saw him a few minutes ago). After a few rings he finally picked up.


Antonio: Miss me already

Lovino: Shut up bastard

Antonio: *laughs* What do you need Lovi?

Lovino: just want to talk to someone

Antonio: What do you want to talk about?

Lovino: Are you home yet?

Antonio: Just got home. So what's wrong? You seem worried about something.

Lovino: I'm alright. It's nothing

Antonio: Alright. Remember you can tell me anything.

Lovino: Yeah I remember

Antonio: Okay, I'm getting another call so talk to you later.

Lovino: Talk later

Antonio: *hangs up*

Lovino's POV (still)

Antonio hangs up and I'm left alone. I lock the door and make sure all the windows are closed. I called Ludwig to tell him I have no information about Antonio yet and yet again no answer. I still felt paranoid so I read a history book and listened to music. Soon I fell asleep on the couch, not realizing the doorknob turning...

Few hours later~

I wake up and felt pain everywhere on my body. It was still dark in the room so I guess it's midnight. I try to stand up, but realized I couldn't. Once my eyes adjusted to the dark I looked down and realized I was tied up on a chair. I had no shirt on and I couldn't see where I was.

"Where am I?" I croaked out looking around the dark room. "You're still at your apartment, love," I heard the oh so familiar voice say moving out of the shadows. I see Mike standing in front of me and I see a sharp knife in his hand. "Let's have some fun love," he smirked and came closer...

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