Bonus Chapter

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Zeeniya pov :-
I woke up with the beautiful voice of my alarm note the sarcasm. I switched off the alarm quickly so it can't wake up Arhama, my youngest daughter who is just of 8 months. I kissed on her forehead slowly not to disturb her sleep.

A yawned left my mouth and I stretched my body , make my way to the rest room and after doing all my morning chaos, I stare at myself in mirror. The slim and smart Zeeniya is long gone now, after just giving birth to two kids my body is not so mine now which is used to be.

Remembering of old me make me remember my uni days, I left my studies after the birth of Nisha it was so exhausted to taking care of a house, husband ,two kids and my grades it's not like Muneeb didn't support me or force me to continue my dream but it was me who gave up.I'm happy in my life but still sometimes I think that I shouldn't gave up that easily. I exhaled a breath and wash my face.

"Zeeni, I'm getting late. Hurry up." I heard Muneeb's voice from the other side of door, I close the tap and grab the towel with one hand while with the other hand I unlock the door.

"Morning. " he said with a sleepy smile on his face he kissed my forehead then he came inside while I go outside and greet him back.

I hurriedly take out clean clothes for Muneeb and set them up on bed then go to awake Rahim for his school, I shouldn't have thinking those stupid things in bathroom now I'm late for the first day after vacations. I wake Nisha up and make her brush her teeths and gave her a quick bath, make her wear her uniform and shoes and ran downstairs to make breakfast .

When I was walking to kitchen I heard the voice of hustle and turn around to find Mrs. Hailey with her daughter, they both greet me and got busied in their work ,they do dusting and cleaning of house while on the other hand I prepared cereals for Rahim as he's not a big fan of heavy breakfast then make an omelet and toast for Muneeb and Nisha pour three glass of apple juice for all of them.

They thrice came down with Arhama in Muneeb's hand, he was rocking her they make theirselves comfortable on the dining and I serve Breakfast to everyone, he make Nisha feed while I make Arhama to feed.

After eating we bid our goodbyes and they all depart for their respective places. And I make myself busy in helping Mrs. Hailey and take care of Arhama ,she's different from the elder kids of mine, she's kind of attention seeker she always want someone to stay with her, after all the cleaning we all go for the groceries as it's the starting of month and we are running out of it.

I came home at almost 12pm and start making lunch for the kids and play with Arhama after an hour Rahim and Nisha came after they got freshen up I served them lunch and we all eat together, I make all three of them to go for a nap and I clean myself up meanwhile Mrs. Hailey also left for her home then I offer Duhur salah, make duaa and recite some Quran-e-pak.

I came out form the prayer room when my cell phone ring. After checking the caller Id smile flash on my face.

"Salam." I said as I picked the call.

"Wasalam" he replied

"Bache aagye ghr? (Kids are at home?) " he asked and I replied in yes he asked about lunch and staff and after talking for sometime we hang up.

Days passed in blur it has been two weeks that they start going to school and now I'm sitting in living room with Arhama and Nisha while waiting for both father son to show up at home, Rahim is attending his classes for self defense and Muneeb is in office till now.

After few minutes door bell rang and Nisha ran to the gate I got up and follow her and unlock the door, Muneeb carry Nisha as he step in and I took his bag and coat from his hands. They all set theirsleves in living room and Nisha start talking non-stop as always, Muneeb take Arhama from my hands while I go upstairs and set his comfy clothes on bed and then set dinning table for dinner.

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