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The service was halfway through by the time Tyler made it to the Bishop's Circle in the middle of Dema. Usually the Bishops had separate services, but the First Sermon of the month was always a group service. All of the Bishops and citizens of Dema sat in Nico's Circle as it was the biggest to watch the making of the Vials.

Dema was lit by these lights created by the Bishops. Glass bulbs and cylinders were filled with a controlled light. They called them Vials. More were created at each First Sermon, which is why it was mandatory for all citizens to attend.

Tyler sat in one of the bell towers above the room like he always did when he was late, watching the oldest Bishop pull out a glowing beam of molten glass out of the furnace with a pair of tonsils. They moved to place it on the cobblestone table in front of them, banging them with metal hammers to mold them into tubes.

Everyone was there, all except for the two girls who left with the outside people the day before. Nobody even seemed to notice they were gone. Tyler wondered why.

"East is up."

He jumped, seeing a girl with strawberry blonde hair standing behind him. "Pardon?" Tyler said.

"Nothing," she replied. He could've sworn she looked disappointed that he didn't understand what she said. "My name's Jenna."

"Tyler." For the life of him, Tyler could not pinpoint where he recognized her.

"You're late often, huh?"

"Often enough to remember if I'd seen you up here before."

Jenna's lips quirked up. "You're observant."

"It's one of my good traits," he said. "How'd you find me?"

"You're not the only one with good hiding spots around here, Tyler."

They sat there together in silence until the sermon ended. When it was time to leave, Tyler moved first, but Jenna stopped him.

"This is going to be a really weird question," she began. "But I have to ask. Do you see things in your sleep?"

Tyler's blood went cold. "What?"

"Do you see things? Memories, visions, things that you could only see if you were awake?"

"I- I don't know what you're talking about."

There was no way she'd know about his dreams. He was overly careful in keeping his dreams to himself, even when they melting into real life. The only was she would know is if she-

"You're a Sleeper."

Jenna looked over the edge of the bell tower, making sure no one else was still inside the room, and leaned forward to whisper in Tyler's ear.

"You're not alone in this. You need to trust us."

She thrust something into his hand and turned, running through the door and down the stairs before he could reply. Stunned, Tyler waited until she was gone before looking at the crumpled paper she gave him. Wrapped inside was a roll of brightly colored tape and two small, red pills in a small plastic bag. He pocketed the two items and flattened the paper out against the wall.

The note read:

Tyler, I know this is sudden and you're not used to the Trench, but the Bishops already have you in their sights. They know about you and what you are, and they're going to come after you soon unless you trust me. To them, you're a threat. It's hard to believe, but if you don't do what I say, you'll be dead by your graduation.

Lie low, blend in. Don't be late to their services anymore. That makes you a target. People who don't follow the rules are targets. You are not a rule follower. As hard as you may fight it, it's in your nature to break the rules. Sleepers are hardwired to think, not follow.

Inside this paper, there's two pills. If you listen and you want to leave, take them the night before your graduation, and use the tape to mark your door so we know where to find you. Until then, the best we can do is educate you about who we are.

I just pray you're willing to listen.


Tyler folded the paper and tucked it into his pocket. He made his way out of the bell tower, almost making it outside before large hands grabbed him by his shoulders and stopped him.

A Bishop towered over him from behind, their face obscured by the silvery white veil and dark red hood of their cloak. They retracted their hands, which were black like soot, and let them fall to their side. A thick black and white striped band was wrapped around the left sleeve of the cloak. Tyler's skin broke out in goosebumps.

"Bishop Keons," Tyler stammered, straightening his back and squaring his shoulders.

"Tyler Joseph, I presume," his voice was heavy and almost distorted, the crackling of his tone making Tyler's blood run cold.

Though they weren't threats, the Bishops were intimidating, especially Keons. He was the most benevolent, but that didn't go a long way.

"You are one of the graduates, are you not?"

Tyler nodded furiously. "Y-yes, Bishop Keons. I am."

"Hmm. And do you know what you'll do when you graduation?"

"Uh- I don't- I don't know."

Keons let out a hearty laugh. "Well, don't look so nervous, Tyler. I am just inquiring as it seems that the rest of the Bishops have taken the same interest in you as I have."

"You- you've taken in interest in me?" Tyler swallowed roughly. He was itching to run away.

"Yes, of course. Out of your whole graduating class, you have been the most... creative." He could see Keons' eyes shift into a squint from underneath the veil. "If you are willing, I'd like to have you as an apprentice of mine."

It was usually an honor to be noticed by the Bishops, but not when you're one of the most hated and prosecuted. Still, it would be suspicious if Tyler declined his offer.

"Of course. I am honored, Bishop Keons."

Keons lifted a hand and Tyler flinched. Instead of hitting him or threatening him like Tyler thought he would do, Keons set his hand on Tyler's shoulder and spoke in a quiet voice.

"I will be waiting, then."

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