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Tyler was the one who brought up escaping first.

The question came unexpected and unwarranted, with Tyler and Josh making out on the cliff near the ravine when he suddenly pulled away. Josh chased his lips, but Tyler put a hand between them.

"What do I need to do to get out of Dema?"

Josh went completely blank. "Uh, what?"

Tyler rolled his eyes and repeated himself, but mucha much slower. "What... do I need to do... to get out... of Dema." Turns out he had a sense of humor, which made Josh love him even more.

"Yeah, no, I heard you the first time," Josh said. "I just- it's kind of out of the blue, don't you think?"

"I guess. But you still didn't answer the question."

Josh's heart soared. "You're serious."

Tyler put on the most serious face he could have. "As a heart attack."


"Yes, I'm serious," he said, cracking a grin. "I have what Jenna gave me still, but there's gotta be more to escaping then drugs and tape."

Josh thought for a moment. "When does your apprenticeship with Keons start?"

"Tomorrow. Why?"

"Because they're going to be watching you, and I don't want to risk getting you sent to the Towers."

"The Towers?"

"Yeah, where they take the people who try and fail to escape," Josh said.

Tyler shook his head. "No, that's not possible. My apprenticeship is here."

"Damn it." Josh stood, pulling Tyler up with him. "You're going to need to be extra careful. Don't trust anybody."

"But what about my family, and Mark? The Bishops will come after them, won't they?"

Josh honestly didn't know, but he couldn't let Tyler know that. "They'll be fine, I promise. If you're serious about leaving, you know you can't bring them with you. But, the Bishops will leave them alone if they don't find out first."

"What if they already know?" Tyler asked. "Why else would Keons ask me to be his apprentice?"

"They suspect, they don't know yet. Don't give him a reason to suspect."

"I'm scared," he said.

Josh put his hands on either side of his face and kissed his forehead, moving down until he reached his lips. "I know. But I'm here and I won't let go of you. You're not alone anymore."

"I'm not alone. Can I leave tonight? I don't want to go to my apprenticeship."

"I'll do what I can. Be prepared tonight."

He felt a hand on his shoulder, and before he could turn around, Josh was pulled out of Tyler's dream and into a dark room, Clancy's face right in front of him. His hands shook where they clenched his shoulders, bandaged up to the elbow. Blood crusted over his bad eye and nostrils, and a new cut outlined his left cheekbone.

"Thank God, I thought I'd never get to you," he laughed breathlessly.

Josh's jaw dropped. "What the- Oh my god, you're alive!"

They hugged, Clancy sinking to the ground as they pulled apart. He was bleeding heavily from his shoulder, and bruises ringed his neck, but he still smiled at Josh like he was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.

"Man, am I glad to see that ugly mug of yours."

"Where are you?" Josh asked.

Clancy sighed and leaned scooted back so he lied against the mossy brick wall. "The Eastern Tower."

"Shit. Are you okay? We can get you, we're planning a rescue mission today, I can talk to Rose and we can work something out-"

"Don't," Clancy said. His eyes closed before opening again, slowly. "Don't jeopardize saving your first love for me. I know- I know I treat you harshly, but I do it because you hold a horrible burden on your shoulders."


"Most fire-breathing Sleepers don't ever learn to control their abilities and those who do go crazy. I don't want those fates to be all you can achieve. I don't... I don't want you to end up like..."

"You're not making any sense," Josh said almost hysterically.

Clancy looked like he was fighting to stay awake, his face pale and broken into a sweat. Josh realized with a shock of horror that he was bleeding out, and was using his last bit of strength to talk to him.

"Wake up, Clancy, you won't survive if you stay here any longer," Josh insisted.

No, no, no. Clancy couldn't die. Without him, the Banditos wouldn't last. He was their rock, their leader. Rose would be just as good a leader as he was, but he was the first. Josh couldn't let him die because of him.

Clancy nodded, and the dream melted away, back to Tyler, who looked confused.

"Where did you go?" He asked.

Josh opened his mouth. "I... I'm getting you tonight. Clancy's dying and I need to see you."

"Wait, Clancy's dying? As in dead dead?"

"What other kind of dead is there?" Josh snapped, instantly regretting it when Tyler's went wide, then sad. "I'm sorry. Yes, dead dead. Like, gone forever dead."

Where is he?"

"Eastern Tower." Josh rubbed his face, trying to plan how he would get in and out of the most guarded Tower in Dema without being caught. "Shit, it's almost impossible to get in there."

"That's the new Bishop's tower. He's quite a piece of work, in my opinion," Tyler chuckled nervously, watching Josh's face.

Josh looked up. "Tyler. Can you get into the Eastern Tower tonight before we come for you?"

"Uh, what?"

"You're an apprentice, you must have access."

Tyler shrugged. "I- I mean, I guess? I can try." He shivered and looked around. "Oh no."

"What?" Josh asked.

"Someone's waking me up. I'll see you tomorrow tonight?"

Josh nodded and kissed him hard. "It's a date."

Tyler disappeared in a wisp of smoke, and Josh was pulled back into Clancy's dream. Clancy was lying on the ground with his eyes closed, a hand pressed against his shoulder. His breathing was shallow.

"I'm coming for you," Josh said, more confident than before. "I'll show you what I can do."

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