Cheese in Ramen?

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North's experience with the Toma team usually meant two things: too many dicks in one place and Raven. It wasn't too bad with Sang around because things were changing and the bastard was actually getting his name right for once!

Unfortunately, Raven's eating habits never quite improved and North felt incredibly sick to his stomach watching him grate a bunch of cheese on his noodles. Who the hell put cheese in Ramen?!

"That's a staggering amount of parmesan cheese." Victor commented from across the dinner table, his face beginning to pale.

Raven frowned, obviously not seeing the problem. "There's no such thing." He replied, grating cheese until the entire top of his bowl was covered.

"Fuck, I'm gonna be sick."

North put a hand over his mouth and promptly fled the room, heading straight for the bathroom just as Sean leaned over to hand Raven the mustard.

Someone needed to remind the doc to never ever let him give food advice to anyone. Ever.

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