Chapter 1: Little Jack

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Jack's Pov

It was dark... Where am i..? i opened my eyes and saw that i was underwater... why?

"Jake!" Emma, my 5 year old sister, giggled, i was laying in my parents personal hotel just enjoying the fresh breeze, i completely ignored my sister and her hyper self "jack!" she shouted, i groaned and took off my book that i was reading, off my face and looked at Emma jumping excitedly

"What do you want?" i chuckled and rested my head on my arms behind me

"I wanna go swimming!" i looked at her funny

"Its 45 degrees out here! No way in hell are you going to swim in that freezing water" i told her, she gasped and covered her mouth

"Ooo! i'm telling mommy and daddy you said a bad word!" she ran off, i chased after her

"No! don't tell them!" Being the riches son of my parents can be hard, i have to be proper, polite, and smart. if they heard that i said a bad word, i'll get punish...

Emma ran into the ball room where there was dozens of business people speaking about important deals and money matters. i started to panic, she isn't going to tell my parents in front of rich people, is she?! no!

"Mommy! daddy!" she found them and tugged on their clothes, i froze in place looking at them, Emma didn't know i get punish, so she does everything in her power to tease me, its not actually her fault... shes only being a little sister...

"What is it dear? we are dealing with a very important deal" Mama hushed at Emma

"Jack said a bad word!" she was pretty loud... everyone in the ball room turned to us, our parents looked up at me wide eyed

"Jack? is this true?" papa asked, i couldn't move... I was filled with fear

"N-No..." i stuttered nervously, they knew i was lying, they sighed and apologized to the people they were talking too

"I'm sorry you had to hear this... may we speak of this deal another time?" mama asked very politely, like a queen

"Of course! have a good night Mrs.Frost" the old man, named Mr.Weasel-town, or whatever his name was, bowed respectfully "and a good night to you too Mr. Frost" he said to my papa

"Good night" my parents smiled and walked to the exit, Emma and I followed behind, we went into the limo to drive home, i sat next to Emma while we faced our parents, i was squeezing on my knees nervously

"Mama... papa... i didn't mean to say the bad word... it just slipped out!" i started to cry, they looked at each other

"Jack, you don't need to cry" mama told me calmly "we just ask if you don't do it again, you need to know that being in our family means that we have to act like royalty, we are far up the rich list and do you know how bad it is to have rumors that our oldest son doesn't have manners?"

"Mammers! smammers!" I blurted out, they gasped, Emma just stared at me "why cant we just act like kids and have fun? i wanna live and go out to the open world where they play video games, swing on monkey bars and eat pizza! its not fair that you're keeping me and Emma from having a normal childhood!" i snapped

"Now listen here young man-" the limo started shaking

"My apologies Mr. and Mrs. Frost, it is very windy up in the narrowed mountain here!" the limo driver said, papa ignored him

"You cannot talk back to your parents like that! you are high up in the family and you must act polite, proper, and elegant. if your going to act like this then i guess we have to-" the gravity in the car started to feel weird, i looked out the window and saw the limo falling off the cliff and into the water! we started to panic

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