Chapter 15: Library

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Elsa's Pov

It was so sad to hear what Kristof went through... but i'm glad he reunited with Anna, she always likes to make people happy, even as kids

"Hi! I'm Olaf and i like warm hugs!" Olaf waved at Anna, she looked at him and screamed, Kristof caught her as she fainted, he checked her forehead

"Shes burning up" he said

"Jasmine!" i shouted, her and Rajah came running to us

"Yes my lady- oh! sweet heart, are you okay?!" She ran to feel on Anna's forehead "shes burning up, she's been over thinking again has she?" Kristof nodded, Jasmine sighed

"Why was she over thinking?" i asked Kristof, he moved his eyes to his side

"I don't know" he said and carried her bridal style, i sighed and closed my eyes

"Please nurse her Jasmine, and Rajah, may you take Kristof to the exit after he takes Anna to her room?" i asked, Rajah nodded and looked at Kristof

"You want a tiger to take me out?" Kristof ask looking at him strangely

"He's smarter then he looks" Jasmine told him "please help me take her to her room" he nodded and followed her to Anna's room, i looked down at Olaf

"I didn't mean to scare her like that..." he frowned, i put the carrot on his head for a nose "gasp! i love it!" he smiled playing with it, i giggled

"Let's go inside" i told him, its so great to have company in my room! and he's made of snow so i can't hurt him! its perfect!

The weekend went by smoothly, i stayed in my room the whole time while Anna was being nursed, she's all better now and we were getting ready for school.

I was in my room and was looking at myself in the wall mirror, i picked up my brush and observed it frowning, maybe... i took off my glove slowly and exposed my naked hand i was hardly use to. i picked up the brush with that hand and took a deep breath, it started to freeze. i dropped the brush and shoved the glove back on, this is not getting any better...

I did my own hair instead of Ariel or Jasmine to do it for me, i finished and looked at Olaf "do not leave this room Olaf, even if someone knocks on the door, don't make too much noise, and if you melt..." i thought to myself, i spun my hand over is head and made a snow cloud, wow...

Olaf gasped "my own personal flurry!" he giggled, i giggled and left the room

"Don't make me worry" i looked over my shoulder at him

"Yes princess!" he waved, princess? i nodded and closed the door to go to the kitchen

"Morning Elsa!" Anna cheered, she seems better "breakfast??" she put a plate in front of me, i looked at her

"You didn't have to do that..." I smiled

"Its the least i can do! and besides, i made this in cooking class and i wanted to try it here!" she has a cooking class too? we haven't even looked at food yet, well... i haven't been in school

We ate in peace, Jasmine came and gave us our mail "we have a letter from mama and papa" i said opening it, Anna's face went pale "you alright?" she nodded and ate her cheese and ham filled bread, i shrugged and opened the letter "they said that they were in a great wedding and will be back next weekend" i told her, she nodded and didnt look at me, i made a face "Anna-"

"well! time for school! we dont want to be late or anything!" she grab her bag and ran out, i sighed and went after her

i got to school and first thing that happened was everyone asking me where i been and if i was feeling okay, it was nice of them to worry... but i hardly knew these people. i went to class and sat down while looking at my gloves, my eyes were stinging, and for some reason, i wanted to dance, but i know i can't do that now so i ignored it, Jack walked through the door, i looked at him and smiled, he took off his glasses and looked at me shock

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