Chapter 13: Kristof

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Anna's Pov

It's been a week since Elsa wouldn't get out her room, yeah I apologized and she forgave me but what I told her must've really struck her... when are you coming home mom and dad?

She hasn't even been dancing either, if she danced, maybe I can find out how to get her out, I think I'm close to finding out, and it only took me a whole book shelf of note books... yeah I'm not getting anywhere

"Class, for your Research paper, you will be assigned partners" Mr.Charming announced, partners? Great! I hope I get Hans, I haven't even got the chance to spend time with him, I always want to have lunch with him but he's always gotta go to the library, he must not be finish with a project or something

"I hope we are picked together" Hans whispered, I giggled and looked at my desk blushing, I heard a snort behind me, Hans turned around "is there a problem?" he asked a unamused grinning Kristof

"Nothing, nothing at all" he chuckled pretty coldly, it gave me the chills. Hans rolled his eyes and faced the board

"Okay, I have the list right here" Mr.Charming waved around a piece of paper, then began to read it, he read allowed students names "Anna, you'll be paired with Kristof" he said, Kristof? I turned around to look at him, but he was asleep with his head laid back with his beanie over his face, I sighed and turned back

"It'll be okay, we can find another way to be together" Hans smiled

"Hans, you'll be paired up with Alice" Alice? The British blonde girl with the blue dress? the prettiest girl in class..? somehow, I'm starting to get a bit nervous, Hans held my hand and smiled, I sighed, I have nothing to worry about, right?

I looked over my shoulders and saw Kristofs backpack on the floor, maybe I can learn about him by looking in here... I secretly dragged it next to my desk and peaked inside, first I saw was a sketch book that had 5th period on it, we have the same class? I never noticed him

I looked inside the book and was truly amazed! I never thought anyone could draw as well as Rapunzel. I turned the pages seeing the forest, a barn, some animals and... huh? a little girl with strawberry blonde hair with a white strap, hugging a baby deer... is this me?

I turned more pages and saw myself the age I am now, with Elsa, Rapunzel, and Merida in class just giggling together. I flinch to know that the book was snatched out of my hands, I looked up at Kristofs cherry annoyed face and stood up grabbing his bag, I watched him walk out the room like he's been doing everyday since he came here...

Hans gave me a good bye kiss on the cheek and walked to the library again, I was pretty sad that he left, but I shook it off and ate lunch with my friends as usual, Jack had his eyes glued to his phone, I smirked

"Who you talking to?" I asked, he looked up and turned pink "could it be Elsa?" I raised my brows amused

"You're the one that told me to cheer her up" he said, I looked at Rapunzel, she had the same amused smirk

"But you been texting her nonstop all day Jack" she giggled, he looked away "I think someone has a crush" I got excited, Jack likes my sister! this can actually help her! she needs someone that can make her happy!

"Do not" he fought, he's lying

"Why are you denying it?" Merida asked, he sighed

"I'm too dangerous..." he stood up and walked out the lunch room, what did he mean by that?

"Sorry about him" Hiccup frowned "he's still going through things, things you wouldn't understand..." I nodded

I went to Art and sat down with Merida and Punzie, which reminds me... where does Kristof sit? I remembered how the picture was drawn and looked at the angel it could've been drawn, I looked forward and saw Kristof sitting in the back, he was leaning on his elbow while looking out the window tiredly, he's hardly noticeable

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