Chapter 11: Notes

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Anna's Pov

I couldn't get that message out of my head! what does it mean!?

We got ready for school, I wore a jean skirt with a purple top, black leggings and boots, I decided to let my hair down in two braids since tight hair won't help me think properly

I went down stairs to see Elsa and Aurora making breakfast, Elsa always prefers to make her own breakfast, it is said that your independent, and no one is more independent then Elsa... except for that message that she asked for help... what does it mean!? Agh!

"Anna?" Elsa called, I came back to reality "is something wrong?"

"No! why would you ask that??" I nervously laughed, she furrowed her brows, that's never good

"You kept asking 'she asked for help' and 'what does it mean'" I said that out loud!?

"It's nothing! really!" I waved my hands, she rolled her eyes and went back to cooking "do you need any help?" I asked

"No, it's almost ready" she said

"Do you need any help on anything else?" she put her food on a plate and a good distance from me while Aurora gave me my plate

"Why are you asking?" Elsa asked suspiciously

"No reason!" she rolled her eyes and started eating her pancakes with fruit and chocolate "but if you ever need anything, I'm here for you" she didn't look at me

"I won't need any help Anna" I frowned, of course she doesn't... she never ask for help

"Okay..." I ate my food slowly and sadly

"Tell you what" I looked at her smile "how about I teach you ballet while you teach me fencing" I started to choke coughing, I took a big sip of orange juice

"Really!? you would fence with me?!" my jaw dropped, she giggled

"Sure, it'll be your chance you help me with something" I smiled brightly

"Great! and instead of dancing, can we do the other thing you do?" she blinked confused "ice skating!" she closed her eyes while chuckling

"I haven't ice skate in years Anna, but if that's what you want, i'll give it a shot" she smiled looking at me, I squealed happily

"Yay! then let's go to school!" we were finish eating and rushed to school

Elsa's pov

Anna's been acting weird ever since she saw me dance last night, I can't believe she's been watching me for years and studying my movements, she must really wanna know what's on my mind

I went to my first period and sat down before Jack was here, I have to apologize for making him remember his past... he didn't have to tell me that...

Jack walked in with his backpack on one shoulder, sun glasses, blue shirt and leather jacket with ripped jeans, I couldn't help but notice... his hair was white!

He looked up and looked down at me for a moment, then sat down and leaned on his seat without looking at me, maybe he's not in the mood... i'll tell him later

Mrs.White started discussing about the surprise attack in Pearl Harbor while I just sat here starring at my gloves... I can't help but think something bad is going to happen... but what?

I saw a note being brought to my desk by jack, I looked over at it, his hand writing was nice, you can really tell a lot about a person in their writing, but I know enough about him

'Are you okay?' it read,

'Why?' I wrote

'Because your looking at your gloves' I sighed

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