Chapter 31: Staff

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Elsa's Pov

I was dreaming, i was in complete darkness... i didn't know where i was

"Elsa!" A high pitch voice called. i looked down and saw a younger version of me. my eyes widened surprised


"You? Yes" she held her hands together elegantly "are you okay?" She frowned

"W-why..?" my lips felt dry, she held both my cheeks with both her small hands

"You're pale" i held one of her hands

"I am?" She nodded and backed away

"Your hairs short, And..." she looked at her hands "you're warm" i held my cheeks

"it must be from the burns" i said, she shook her head

"No... you don't have your powers" she frowned. i bit my lips and looked away "what happened to them?"

"I don't have them anymore. i lost them... I'm powerless" she shook her head and held my hands

"Powerless? Lost them?" She giggled like i just said a joke "you cant loose who you are"

"Excuse me?" She placed her hand over her heart

"You cant loose who you are... the snow... the ice... its part of you Elsa... your heart is missing that part of you" she took a few steps back and created a snowball in the middle of her hands "ready?" I stared at her, remembering i had asked the same question to Anna those years ago

She threw the ball in the air and it exploded it to falling snow. i was surrounded by my ballroom, filled with ice. but instead of being with Anna, i was just with little Elsa

She ran around happily and made pretty things with her snow, i smiled at her happiness, my happiness...

"You can never loose whats already in your heart Elsa..." the area went black again, she and i were the only thing here. she raised her arm to show me the blackness "now it's your turn" i looked at her confused

"But... i don't have my powers, and my fear will-"

"Fear? Whats fear?" My brows raised "Fear... don't let fear keep you from what you want to do, if you want to do something, do it" she put her hands into fist "don't let fear control you, have fun and have fun doing it!" I looked at my hands and back at her

"Who are you..?" She smiled and looked back at a fainting image of little Anna in the ball room, next to Olaf. Olaf...

"Im your inner child!" She ran to the image and disappeared.

"Wait!" She was already gone. i looked down at my hands and put them into fist. don't let fear control you... don't let fear keep you from what you want to do, if you want to do something, do it... i smiled and looked at the blackness in front of me

"Let it go..." i opened my hands and powered snow came out. i smiled happily and started throwing it to my sides and over me "let it go..." i started running forward "cant hold it back anymore..." i spun powder snow all around me "turn my back and slam the door!" I dropped the snow and looked under my feet "the fears that once controlled me..." i smiled and stomped on the floor, making a huge snowflake appear, i started remaking the castle i had seen in my dreams before "cant get to me at all" i smirked and started making that dress i had adored

"Im free!" I spun around happily, looking at my creation "you'll never see me cry! Here i stand! And here i stay"

"Im never going back! The past is in the past! Ill raise like the break of dawn! Here i stand in the light of day!" I created the staff i once had in that castle i once made on that island. i looked up on the crystal and ran my fingers on it. it wasn't cold "the cold never bothered me anyways"

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