Chapter 17: Letter

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Elsa's Pov

i walked to my room and locked it "Hey Elsa! how was your day?" Olaf asked while playing with his snow cloud, i smiled and sat on my desk

"it was fine" i looked through a book and sighed

"whats wrong?" he asked, i faced him

"Olaf... do you know why i have no control..?" i looked at my gloves "if it wasn't for my powers, Anna and I would've been close... and I'm afraid we will never be"

"do you love her?" i looked at him


"do you love her?" i put my hands to fist

"doesnt matter... either way, nothing can help me conceal..."

Jack's Pov

school ended and my friends came over with Anna, to my home "wow, this is your home?" Anna asked looking around

"yeah, but its not as nice as yours was" i told her while getting snacks for everyone

"you been to her house?" Eugene grinned

"yeah, i took her home after studying here" everyone grinned at me "what?"

"studying huh?" Eugene asked, i see what he's getting at

"shut up" i blushed and looked at Anna "the computer room is this way" i pointed

"oh! okay!" she followed me to the room and i showed her the video "thanks" she took out her notebook and watched the video carefully, then paused after the short first dance when i stopped her

"what are you doing?" i asked "how is this going to help Elsa?" she didnt look up as she wrote something down

"when she dances, she gives off messages, i spend years studying on her body/mime/sign language to see whats in her mind"

"wow... really? then what was that first dance?" she shrugged

"its just a warmup"

"oh" she restarted the video and observed our dance, she smiled the whole time... what did that dance mean?

"ooo! how beautiful!" she paused the video and wrote something down

"what did that message mean?" she smirked at me

"like you dont know" i blinked "you two clearly have a connection! all those dance moves are passion! you two like like each other!" i blushed and looked away

"whatever..." she giggled and watched the rest of the video, she watched us almost kiss... this was embarrassing, she was watching hard. Elsa twitched from her eyes hurting, Anna paused the video

"what was that?" she asked, looking at me

"her eyes started hurting, then they started glowing" she looked at the video without saying anything, Elsa started to dance, Anna took notes as Elsa dance, her eyes widened in fear, when Elsa did her last move and the mirrors bursted, Anna started crying

"i...i..." she couldnt speak. i looked at her notebook. fear-hatered-uncontrol-ice-blood-end-two-deep-stab-kill-darkness-black-shards-ocean-storm-internal-winter-frozen-heart-DEATH, what is this? i looked at Anna, her eyes were wide and texting on the phone

"Anna?" i called

"i have to go! i have to go!" she snatched the notebook and ran off, i chased after her to the living room where my friends were

"Anna! whats wrong?" i asked, she grabbed her bag and shoved her notebook in there

"i have to go! i have to go! but my driver isnt here! i have to go!" she panicked all over the place, hiccup tried to calm her but she was still all over the place crying "i have to stop her! i have to stop her!" she cried, i shook her shoulders

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