Chapter 7: Feelings?

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Blake's P.O.V.
I watched as Aria eats her pizza. I'm not a stalker I just think it's cute how she eats. That sounded stalkerish well then. I guess I'm a stalker now. She then saw me staring at her so she started to smirk.

"See something you like?" She asked and I wanted to say yes, but then that would've been weird.

"Nope, I was staring at you and wondering how can you be so ugly," I state a smirk on my face.

"Sure, your just jealous that I look better than you," she declared and I just chuckled at her cuteness. She became fluttered and tried to hide it, but I could clearly see her red cheeks. We both stayed quiet for a while.

"Wanna play 20 questions?" Aria asks as she finishes her pizza.

"Sure," I answered.

"Ok, favorite color?" She questions.

"Um, orange," I answer. "What your favorite show?" I inquired.

"Hmm either the Vampire Diaries or Escape The Night," she declared. "Favorite animal?"

"Wolf," I replied and that's how our evening went just us asking each other random questions that came to mind. I looked at the time and it read 9:30.

"We should probably head to bed," I say and Aria nods her head while she yawns. I walk to the bedroom and she follows. Once we get there I go to the couch and lay down.

"You get the bed," I say.

"But this is your house," she protests.

"So, I respect girls," I state.

"Your so stubborn," she mutters and gets into the bed. "Ok, if you don't take the bed by yourself you can join me," she explained.

" I don't know you are the guest," I say.

"But I insist and it's yours anyways," she explains.

"Ugh, your the stubborn one," I mumble and she squeals. We both get under the covers, I then put my arm around her waist and pull her closer to me. She then snuggles against me. It was so cute, man I sound weird. I then kissed the top of her head.

"Goodnight, love," I say as I drift off to sleep.

**Next Morning**

I woke up with my arms still around Aria. I saw that her hair was all over the place it was kinda cute. I may seem like a creep staring at her while she sleeps, but I can't help it if she's just that cute. I then saw her start stirring so I pretended to sleep.

"Sleepy head," I heard her mumble. I tried not to chuckle at that. I felt the bed go up so I'm guessing Aria got off of the bed. She soon left the room and once she did I sat on my bed just thinking. I was thinking about Aria mostly. It was weird and the way I feel around her is weird. When ever I think of her I end up smiling like some freak, but I can't help it she makes me happy. I know I'm not good for her, but I just can't stay away from her. I then decided to go into the kitchen. Once I got into the kitchen I saw Aria cooking breakfast.

"Good morning," I say with my raspy voice.

"Good morning, sleepy head," she says. I just chuckle a bit and sit on a chair. She then takes out two plates from the cupboard and puts them on the counter. She fills them up with waffles, eggs, and bacon. It smelt so good and I am extremely hungry. She soon sat down in front of me and handed me my plate of food. We then began eating and damn was it ever good.

"This is good," I mumbled with my mouth full of food and I heard her laugh a bit.

"Did your mom ever tell you to not eat with your mouth open?" She asks.

"Nope," I simply replied. We then ate on a comfortable silence.

"So, what are we going to do?" I ask finishing my food.

"Wait, it Friday we have school. I don't even have clothes with what am I going to wear?" She ranted which was kinda cute. What is wrong with me I've never even called any girl cute or the things she does. I think I'm going crazy.

"You can wear my clothes," I explain and she nods her head. I go to the room with Aria following behind me. Once we got there I went to the closet. I chose the smallest things that I had which consisted of a black, baggy shirt, and black sweatpants. I quickly gave Aria the clothes and she says a quiet thank you.

"There's the bathroom," I say pointing to a door in the room. I then face the closet again and pick out a white, tight shirt,  a pair of black ripped jeans, and black converse. I went into the other bathroom and quickly showered and changed. I then walk out and go to the bedroom. I then find Aria sitting on the bed on her phone.

"Shouldn't we leave for school now?" I ask and I see Aria nod her head a little bit. Then she gets up and may I say she looks so good in my clothes. We then leave the tree house thing and walk out of the forest. After like a silent 5 minute walk we were out of the forest and at my car. We both got in and I drove to school, but on our way we saw Aria's house and a couple of police cars on her driveway.

"Wait, stop at my house for a minute," she said and I parked my car on the driveway.

A/N another chapter!!! Yayay! I'm on a roll! Anyways I hope you have a good day, afternoon, evening, or night, whenever you read this! Anyways chow for now random human beings!

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