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"Oh my god... seriously?!" You laughed awkwardly as you walked into the hotel room. There was one bed, a queen sized one.

"What?" Sebastian said, walking in with the both of your suitcases, "oh." He paused when he got next to you, the both of you staring at the large bed in front of you. "I'll call reception." Sebastian suggested, taking a seat on the bed and grabbing the phone.

As he was talking to the people downstairs about getting a room with two seperate beds, you looked around. The view was amazing, making you hope that the room they change you to is on this floor as well. "What do you mean there's no other rooms? This is bul-" Sebastian's voice came to sudden stop as he pulled the phone away, placing it back on the holder. "They hung up on me." He smiled sadly, shrugging his shoulders. Great. He rung back a few seconds later, asking if he could at least get a few more pillows. You looked at him weirdly, confused.

"More pillows?" You asked, moving your suitcase out of the way, "really?" You moved Sebastian's as well.

"Well... I was thinking we could build like a wall of pillows to separate us. It will be fun," he admitted, getting up from his spot on the bed. "Now, which side do you want? Left or right?"
Moving closer to the bed, you replied instantly, telling you'd take the left. He nodded, putting his phone on the nightstand on the right side. 

Once the pillows came, the two of you got into your pyjamas and began to make a wall. Sebastian muttered a soft goodnight from beside you before rolling over and turn his lamp off. You were already half asleep, so only a grunt escaped your lips before sleep washed over you.

You woke to birds chirping, and a strong arm holding you still. You felt small lumps everywhere in the bed, making your eyebrows furrow in confusion. You sat up as much as you could, seeing the pillows scattered across the bed. You realised where you were, and the arms who held you. Sebastian.

You rolled over, seeing him asleep with his mouth slightly open. Little snores escaped from his lips, making you laugh quietly to yourself. You reached for your phone, only barely being able to grab it. You recorded a few seconds of Sebastian snoring, your face full with happiness. You sent it to the (marvel cast) group chat, forgetting that his arm was draped around your body. Everyone went crazy, more so at the spooning than the snores.

edited biatches 🐥

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