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There was hardly ever a moment where the two of you were together and not touching. It was never a grand hand hold or a big sling around the neck, it would be subtle leg togetherness, or arms ever so slightly on top of each other.

It was to what most people would believe to be actions of either two best friends- or a couple.
Because you two were. Two best friends, that is. Not a couple. Simply two best friends.

People questioned your relationship, more now then never. Everyone in the tower has the belief that you're dating and have been keeping it a secret for the past few months. This is a lie, obviously.


You used every muscle in your being to try and make yourself tall enough to put the star on top of the tree. You went onto your tippy toes, even attempting to go on one leg to propel yourself higher. Unfortunately for you, it wasn't working.

Suddenly, your feet weren't on the ground. You let out a scream as you were lifted up onto the shoulders of Pietro. "Oh my GOD WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!!" You screech, clinging onto his head. He laughed at your reaction, catching the star that you dropped before it hit the ground.

"Helping. Here, put it on." He smiled. Pietro lent in closer to the top, and you sit the star perfectly onto it. How cute. He stepped back once again so you could have a full look at it.

"It looks so good." You boast, putting your hands onto your knees.

"I know," he chuckled. In one swift motion, he threw you up into the air, catching you in his arms. You squealed again.

"PIETRO! STOP THAT!" You slap his chest, laughing.

As if on cue, Tony walks in, a glass of eggnog in his hand. You were still in Pietro's arms.
"Aw how cute, couple bonding. I wish Pepper would carry me like that." He shrugged, sitting on the couch. He then realised the tree. "Ooo nice tree; love the colours."


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