EDDIE BROCK || Caramel Macchiato

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Eddie waited in line, his arms crossed over his chest. Venom babbled inconsistently into his ear, continuously going back to asking when they could eat their next 'bad guy'. Eddie huffed quietly to himself, mumbling to his symbiote under his breath.
"Just let me get my coffee." He said, muffling his words with a cough.

"I'm HuNgRY, Eddie."

"Shut up... please."

People around him turned to look at his sudden speaking, making him hold his phone up to his head and force a crooked smile. Some people's eyes narrowed before turning around, others laughing to themselves before edging ever so slightly away. Eddie rolled his eyes, shoving his phone back into his pocket.

"Tall Caramel macchiato for..." the barista paused, squinting his eyes at the scrawled handwriting, "Ew-Ewie? Eddie? A tall caramel macchiato!"
Eddie looked up just as the boy placed the takeaway up onto the bench. He made his way towards it, going to grab it at the same time another hand does. They both retract their hands at the simultaneously, looking at each other suspiciously.

"–that's my order?" Eddie said, unsure, "tall caramel macchiato?" He looked to the barista for approval, but he was too busy making another drink. Venom began to tell Eddie how they should just eat her... she's probably bad anyways if she's stealing drinks. Eddie sighed, ignoring venom and turning back to the girl.

"Oh- well I ordered one too. What's your name?" She asked, looking to the drink on the bench. She moved the cup around so you could see the messy handwriting. This was a weird scenario to be in.

"Eddie." He said simply.

"Evie..." she responded.

"Huh, how weird." Eddie's gaze went from the girl to the macchiato. The only legible thing was the E at the start and the ie at the end. How great.
"Is she bad? Can we eat her?" Venom whined, obviously hungry. Eddie clenched his fist behind his back, trying to get venom to take the hint to shut up before he goes crazy.

"Can you hurry up?! You're holding up the line!" Someone bellowed from the back, causing murmurs to arise from behind the pair. Eddie and Evie both sent a disapproving glare to the person at the back as Venom made a mental note to eat them later.

As if on cue, the visibly exhausted barista piped up again. "Another caramel macchiato! For an Ev– for someone whose name starts with an E and ends in a e. Please. I can't read these bloody names anymore."
Eddie chuckled, grabbing both cups. He handed one to Evie, obviously keeping the other for himself.

"Nice meeting you, Evie. Now if you don't mind me... I must go." Eddie smiled, beginning to walk away. As he left the Starbucks, Venom spoke again.

"You didn't ask for her number... pussy."


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