BUCKY BARNES || What I want

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"I want..." Bucky stopped; tore his fingers through his long hair. "Nevermind what I want." He voice became quieter, "What do you want?"
You replied immediately, "you."
Bucky looked up at you, licking his lips as he removed his hands from his hair. The two of you made eye contact for a few seconds before he spoke. "You can't have me." He said sternly, venom lightly in his voice. "I-I am a weapon, Doll. I shouldn't be loved."

You rolled your eyes in response. "You're not a monster anymore, Buck. And don't you dare say that no one loves you. I, myself, love you. Until every star in the freaking galaxy dies... I'll love you. So shut up about that, and tell me what you feel."
The stressed look didn't leave Bucky's face as he huffed. "I want you too." He began.
Your eyes lit up slightly, but he just looked down at his hands. "But no. I- I can't risk it." You sighed, grabbing one of his calloused hands.

"Buck. Look at me." You ordered, "properly. Not past me. At me." Bucky's eyes lifted to your face, looking you directly in the eyes. "I don't know what you think you're doing. Are you trying to protect me? Because all you're doing is hurting me. You said you feel the same way. So what's the deal? I want to be with you, Buck." You looked him in the face as you spoke, trying to make your point. What was he doing? He was just making things worse.

Bucky didn't reply. He just stared blankly into your eyes, before getting up from the bed. He left the room, not saying a word as he clicked the door shut behind him


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