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    Sometimes I think life is too easy, then some random turn of events happens and everything changes. That being said, after it's all settled down, life for me, Drake Gahn, is pretty easy. School has never been an issue, getting an average of B's every year up to senior year, which is this year. My parents love and care for me like anyone would hope and we live in high middle class, even though that doesn't matter to me. Another place I had been lucky in was the relationship department. I was a natural romantic and could get girls in and out of the bedroom in no time.

    So therefore, it seems hard to even have a "random turn of events". Yet, in the end, no one is ever perfect nor is their life. I could have a mansion, a hot wife, and still find something to hate about the world. As small as it may be, my choice right now is the fact that school starts tomorrow. I never said it had to be a huge thing, but in the end it'll all be something.


    The mornings are my favorite time of the day. I wake up at 5 am just to be able to walk around with no one there to bother me. I have no siblings, so it's just me and my parents in our house. I shower and walk downstairs to make myself a cup of coffee. With waking up early comes being tired the rest of the day, no matter how much sleep I get, which usually isn't a lot. I'll sit and watch TV till 6:00, when I actually start getting ready.

    I've been living in this town my entire life. I've never moved, which means I know everyone at my school. I've seen people come and go, but I'm always here. Living with all the same people has me being someone that's... known. Sure some call me popular, but I'd give it a different definition. I'm not one of those jocks that everyone takes the time to stare at in the hallway, but you can bet that people know my name; I've made sure of it. My name is my title and I want people to remember it even after I leave this place.

    I drive the 10 minute drive to school and park in the very front near the entrance. Being the captain of two sports gave me one of the important spots in the front. I hop out and close the door shut and walk to the school with one strap of my backpack on my right shoulder. It's kinda hot out since it's mid August, so I'm wearing black gym shorts and a black t-shirt. My black Nikes hit the ground with every step through the hallway and to my locker.

    "Hey, G!" Mason Calvin, my best friend, says as he sees me. I smile and pat him on the back, as he does to me when he comes up to my locker.

    I got the nickname G when everyone first started calling me Gahn because it was on my jersey, but it slowly shortened.

    "What classes do you have?" We continue to talk about our classes until I'm finished shoving half of my textbooks into my locker. Mason and I skip talking about our summers because we basically saw each other everyday. Him and I live only a couple streets apart.

    I close my locker and look up at Mason, but my eyes drift to something across the hall, or someone- I guess.

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