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while currently listening to who runs the world(girls) by Beyoncé I decided I tell u what happened in the 5 minutes before I typed this.

I am a type 1 diabetic and had committed a horrible crime for the past 4 days by not taking my night time shot, to most this seems like nothing, I could possible die by not taking , how u ask by getting sick and my pancreas weak enough to have trouble producing insulin. so me being me frantically searched for my night time insulin. while doing so I found a pen that is the same as my night time insulin but got worried that I made a mistake and left an open one lost it and found this one so then I had a mini panic attack and started crying because I didn't want to die from taking old medicine and or from not taking it at all so I asked my mom what she did with my night time insulin and just finding out I had the right insulin and it was still good. 

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