Once upon a time there was a star that had fallen in love with the sun. This star and sun were very close. The star and sun were best friends. The sun asked for something, a friendship necklace. This necklace was a Yin Yang friendship necklace. So the star got the sun the best friends necklaces for them. But this star wondered what him and hang meant, so she searched it up. She had realised that most couples wore these, but her and sun were not a couple but just friends. The meaning was weird cuz it described both of them almost correctly, I said almost because yin, which is the female side, was the moon while yang was the sun. She cried. She wasn't the moon. She was a star. A star that knew that the sun could never feel the way she felt for him. She wrote about her stupid mistake of falling for the sun. She cried more and more. Until she realised that even though he doesn't like her back, she wouldn't do anything to change the friendship. This friendship is what's most important to her. She hopes he is happy with his weird way of wanting to fall in love. She wishes him the best.