Chapter 6

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(Demi's pov)
I want a divorce between Nick and I. There's no point in us getting back together after what he'd done. Even when he confessed to me he wasn't ready to be a father, well he's the one who didn't want to use protection that night in Paris. The bad thing about getting a divorce is that Leah would be sad.

I checked the time on my phone. It read 9:37 am. Crap I was late for work. I bolted up from my spot on the couch.

I raced down the hall to my room to wake Leah. I gathered her in my arms then I ran back into the living room.

I set her down on the floor and flicked the tv on to Nick Jr. I unlocked my phone and called Sirah.

(Phone call)

"Hey Sirah, I need you to babysit because I'm nine minutes late for work and I need to go there now. If I don't I'll lose my job." I said panicking on the phone.

"Don't worry Dems I'm on my way. " Sirah replied trying to calm me down.

"Thank you so much you're a lifesaver." I said as I quickly hung up the phone.

( End of phone call)

"Leah, Mommy needs to go to work, I know you hate it but I promise when I get home we'll watch your new DVD that Marissa gave you to make up for this." I said as I ran over to Leah and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Okay Mommy I love you too." Leah replied as she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek then she focusing her eyes back on the tv.

"Sirah will be here in two minutes so I'm going to go to work. I will be back I promise." I said as I quickly put my shoes on.

"Okay mommy." Leah replied as she waved goodbye to her mom as she left the house.

As I walked outside I saw Sirah getting out of her car before she could talk to me I just gave her a thumbs up then I started running to my car.

I put my car keys in the ignition and then I looked at the time on my car and it was 10:00 am. Damn I'm a hour late for my shift.

As I got on the highway I started to drive very fast because I didn't care about getting a speeding ticket. I need to get to work before I lose my job. I don't want to have to ask my friends and family for money.

After driving very fast I finally got to the diner. I leapt out and ran inside.

"Demi, why are you late ?" My boss asked me as I walked into with a concerned look on his face.

"I accidently slept in." I replied as I was about to get my apron.

"Well Ms. Lovato set a alarm next time or else you will know what will happen. now go to work." My boss said with a serious look on his face.

"Yes Sir." I replied with a shy smile as I pulled out notebook from my pouch pocket.

I walked away from him and I started serving customers.

As I was giving the customers the food they ordered I noticed Darryl was sitting in the same spot he was before when I served him last time I was working.

"Hi Welcome, how can I help you?" I asked politely.

"I would like some coffee." Darryl replied smiling.

"Coming right up." I said as I wrote down his order in my notebook and walked back to the kitchen.

□●○■○■□ IN THE KITCHEN ■○■○■○■○
I grabbed a mug then I started making some coffee. When I was making the coffee my boss was eye balling me as if I was going to rob the diner or going to be socializing on the job.

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