Chapter 1

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Anonymous's POV
I was sitting on the bathroom Counter, brushing my long white hair as Dovahkiin was finishing his business on the toilet. It wasn't no secret that he had bad and I do mean bad gas. So, I currently had a clothes pin on my nose, that was followed by a surgical mask, that was also followed by the gas mask that my brother got from the hunting store on the other side of town. I finished brushing my hair and braiding by the time Dovahkiin had finished his business. He was quickly looted the cabinets before reaching up to help me down. I made a face as he reached out to me. "Wash your hands first then I'll consider your help." I said as he reluctantly climbed up the stool and washed his hands. He dried them on a nearby towel before reaching up to help me. "Better." I said as I let him help me down. I began taking off the gas mask as he opened the bathroom door. I look up as I took the gas mask, surgical mask, and clothes pin off, only to find Mom and Dad arguing. "We should be happy they made friends in this town so quickly!" Mom said as Dad argued back as usual. "We came here to hide! More friends mean more trouble!" "You're being paranoid! You need to lay off that stuff! It's changing you!" Mom yelled as Dad scowled. "OH, LAY OFF! It's the one thing that helps me relax from your stupid shit!" He yelled as Mom got tears in her eyes. Dad seemed to notice Dovah and I because Dovahkiin wrapped a arm around me, just in case Dad was going to yell at me next. "Oh hey, whippersnappers!" He said as I scooted closer to Dovahkiin. "Didn't see you there." Dad started as Mom piped up. "Your friends are downstairs, Kiddo. Get down there and play!" Mom and Dad began awkwardly laughing before going separate ways. Mom went downstairs as Dad went to their room. Dovahkiin and I looked at each other. Dovahkiin peeked into the keyhole of Mom and Dad's room as I made my way downstairs. I walked to the kitchen to find Mom at the kitchen counter, crying. I walked up to her before hugging her legs. "I'm not crying, I just got something in my eye." She said as I let go and looted the fridge and cabinets. I headed to the living room, only to find that Dovahkiin left without me. I groaned before heading upstairs to fetch Shira and my weapons. "Come on girl! Let's go fight some Moorish!" I said as Shira let out a battle howl. We ran downstairs and out the door. We fought off some of the Morrish Warriors before finally getting to Cartman's front yard where my brother was finishing a fight with a dragon. "Oh my god, he defeated the dragon!" "No frickin' way. This kid's amazing!" I glared as I rushed to Kyle, Butters, and Craig's side. "What took you so long, Princess?" Kyle asked as Dovahkiin walked over to us. "Well...the King decided to leave me behind and I had to fight my way through Morrish Warriors just to get here." I grumbled as I patted Shira's head. Dovah shrugged in apology before climbing his way to the roof of the garage/dragon cave. I slowly climbed up after him. Shira simply just dug under the fence. I watched as Dovahkiin slid down the side of the roof and gracefully landing on the other side of the fence. He turned and put his hands up to catch me, which he did...somewhat. "Speak, Bard! What happened to the Stick of Truth?!" Kevin said as two other kids held Jimmy captive. "The wizard had it thrown into the ocean!" Jimmy said. "LIES! You shall feel the wrath of the Moorish!" Kevin said as Kyle and Dovahkiin led us out from behind the bush. "Unhand him, you heathens! Release the Bard or you'll have the King to deal with!" Kyle said as Dovahkiin gave Kyle the 'Bitch, I don't solve problems. I make the Problems.' "The king." "They say he can slay a dragon with one blow!" The Moorish said looking at each other. "That's right! And if you don't- Wait, Wait, whoa... Where's the wizard?" Kyle said as everyone began looking around. "I thought he was with you guy." Jimmy said as Clyde looks at the rest of us. "No, we got a distress signal to come help him here." Clyde started as we heard some weird noises coming from the bush. I looked around until I noticed Cartman jump in front of us wearing a Raccoon costume. "Damn, if I knew this was a costume party. I would have dressed up." I whisper to Dovahkiin, who chuckled slightly. "THE WIZARD IS GONE!" Cartman said as I, once again, leaned toward Dovahkiin and whispered. "His ass should stay gone." I stood straight up as Cartman finished his 'speech' and the other guys were saying stuff about splitting up and 'Coon and Friends'. I turned as I heard Cartman's Mom open the door. "Poopsiekins. There's a loud ringing coming from your basement playroom." She said as Cartman, Kyle, Clyde, and Craig looked shocked as Dovahkiin and I looked at each other. "The Coon Alert! Come on, Coon Friends, go get your stuff and report to the Coon Lair! In the future!" Cartman said as Kyle, Clyde, Craig, and Jimmy made their way into Cartman's house. "Sorry guys, you can't play with us. We're playing superheroes now, and you guys are dorks." Cartman said as Dovahkiin and I tried to follow after them. Dovahkiin and I looked at each other before heading into Cartman's house. After finding Cartman's Diary, which Dovahkiin refused to let me see, we made it into the Coon Lair. We began to go down the stairs, only for us to see the guys dressed in superhero outfits. "That's not enough, Mosquito! We have to act fast before the Freedom Pals can!" Cartman started before holding up a poster. "A hundred dollar reward. Do you know what that could mean to our superhero franchise?!" Cartman finished as Kyle spoke up. "That cat looks pretty old. Maybe it just died in the gutter somewhere." "Human Kite, do I have to remind you that as of right now Freedom Pals have a hundred followers on Instagram?! We have six! The five of us and Billy Turner, who's a ginger. THIS is the key to finally beating those fuckers!" Cartman said as Jimmy spoke up. "But where do we start looking? That cat could be anywhere." Cartman stood from his seat. "We need to split up, Mosquito, take to the air and check out all the city parks." Cartman said as Clyde stood up. "You got it! Mosquito away!" Clyde said as he ran toward the stairs and past us. "Human Kite, see if the cat is stuck in a tree somewhere. You've got the storm drains, Super Craig." Cartman ordered as the two stood and ran up the stairs. "Fastpass, I need you to use your superhuman speed to get to the Mayor's Office and tell her we're on the case." Cartman said as Jimmy responded. "Don't worry Coon, you can count on Fastpass to get there fast." Jimmy responded as he 'sped' up the stairs. Dovahkiin and I walked down the stairs before Cartman noticed us. He glanced at Dovahkiin before scowling at me. I watched as he made my brother search for some kind of devise. He had my brother pick out what kind of hero he wanted to be before making Dovahkiin's backstory. My brother nudged me forward telling me to pick too, only for Cartman to shake his head. "No. Your brother isn't going to join Coon and Friends, ButtLord. He's far to weak for that." Cartman said before sending Dovahkiin a look. I heard my brother sigh before he looked at me and pointed up the stairs as if to send me away. I gave him a look of shock before glaring at him. "Some brother you are." I hissed before marching off. I left the house, practically fuming with rage. Shira was even afraid that I would yell at her. Little to my knowledge, I was being watched. And the person watching me was ready to kill for what he wanted. And I was his target.

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