Chapter 7

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ButtLord and I made our way back through town to the Senior Center. The whole way I couldn't help but worry about Mr. Connor. He helped me start out as a villain, but Dovahkiin own brother. My attention was caught when I heard Wonder Tweek. "Here comes the New Kids." I look up to see him standing by the door with Tupperware. We quickly approached them as Tupperware spoke. "Alright Kid. This is a very important mission. Are you sure you're up to it?" He said as Dovah gave him a blank stare. Tweek and Tupperware gave eachother a glance before Tweek spoke. "Well, come on." They said as they opened the door. "Let's go, Freedom Pals!" Tweek said as they led us into the building. I quickly walked in ahead of Dovahkiin and tried to avoid his gaze. We walked by some older people of the nursing home. We quickly approached the nurse as Tweek spoke. "We're here for the community service." I felt my chest tighten as the nurse spoke. "Oh, wonderful! Everyone! Some of the local children are here to sing for us!" The elders groan as I felt a shiver go down my spine. Dovahkiin grabbed my hand and led me to the stage with a piano. Dovahkiin pulled me up the stairs with him as I gave the two Freedom Pals a confused look. They handed Dovahkiin a Triangle and  began to sing. "I love to play my triangle my triangle goes-" They look to Dovahkiin. He looked at the triangle before giving it a ding. "When I am sad I love to hear my triangls go-" Dovah gave the triangle another ding. "It cheers me up-" Ding. Ding. "And makes me smile-" "You Suck!" A elder yelled from the crowd. "And you swallow!" I shouted from the stage earning a glare from the other three boys. Tupper quickly spoke up. "We're sorry folks. These kids are new." Tupper said glaring in my direction. They resumed singing. "I love to play my triangle. My triangle goes-" Ding. Tweek took the triangle and gave him a mandolin. "I love to play my mandolin. My mandolin goes-" Dovah stared at it before strumming it. "When I am sad I love to hear my mandolin go-" Strum. "It cheers me up-" Strum. Strum. "And makes me smile-" Strum. Strum. "Get off the stage!" Another elder yelled. I could practically feel the others staring at me as if daring me to say something. "Get off your life Support!" I shouted as Dovah gave a hit on the back. The boys continued singing. "I love to play my mandolin. My mandolin goes-" Dovah gave a rare smile and began playing the mandolin almost expertly. They boys looked surprised, but quickly go to the next verse. Tweek exchanged the mandoling with a flugelhorn. " to play my flugelhorn. My flugelhorn goes-" Dovah stared at it. They sang the verse again. My brother looked at me. I simply shrug as he goes to position the horn at his....ass. I'm not surprised. The horn let out a toot. "When I am sad I love to hear my flugelhorn go-" The horn gave another toot. "It cheers me up-" Toot. The elders gave a disgusted noise. "That's disgusting." I smirked. "Shame. I was gonna say the same about you." I felt the familiar glare. "It makes me smile-" Toot. Dovah gave us a smile and began to make an improvised song with his asshorn. After a bit, ab elder stood. "Wait...THAT'S THE KID! IT'S THE FARTING VIGILANTE FROM THE NEWS!" I frowned as another elder spoke. "That's the kid goin' around takin' out all the drugs in town!" Another spoke up. "THE VIGILANTE WANT TO TAKE OUR PERCOCET!" An elder let out a "what?"  As a battle was engaged. Tweek took a step back. "Aghhh! So many pissed off old people!" I sighed as Butters spoke up. "Oh boy, we gotta get to the exit, follow Freedom Pals!" I shrugged as the battle commenced. A voice sounded from my right. "I'm back. Agaaaain!" A small boy ran out and did some kind of shield thing before walking off. I began to let my mind wander back to Connor and how to tell Dovahkiin about- "Woah!" I was pulled to a chest and hugged tightly as a splash sounded behind me. I turned to see that I almost got hit with a pissbag. I looked up to see Dovahkiin holding me tightly and looking me over with a concerned look. I whisper a small "I'm fine." Before he proceeded to pull me out of the senior center with Chaos, Wonder Tweek, and Tupperware. We saw that Mysterion was standing by the road. Most likely waiting for us. "Doc, this is Mysterion. We had some trouble but the mission is complete." Mysterion said as Timmy appeared on the screen. "Nice work, everyone. New Kid, congratulations. You are officially a member of Freedom Pals. You can join us tonight on our mission to the Police Station." "We've ascertained that the police are being paid off by whoever is running crime in the city." Mysterion explained as Timmy continued. "That's right. We believe we'll find the answers to what is going on there. Welcome to the team, friend." Timmy said as Mysterion looked at him. "We'll see you tonight." He said to ButtLord as Tupperware spoke up. "Don't tell anyone we're going to the police station." He said as they rushed off. Dovahkiin quickly turned to where I was standing, only to find I was already half way down the street. He began to rush to catch up to me. He put a hand on my shoulder to stop me, only to have it pushed away as I turned to him with a glare. "Don't touch me!" I yelled causing Dovahkiin to step back in shock as I turned and rushed down the street leaving him in the dust. I rushed to the house and up the stairs. I flung my door opened and slammed it shut behind me, locking it. I was panting. Tears was running down my face. I quickly plopped down on the bed to cover my cries. "I can't tell him. I...just can't. He'll hate me." I cried. Unknowingly, a figure nearby smirked to themself knowing they almost broke the poor catboy.

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