Chapter 9

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Sorry for the delay. I almost forgot this story existed. I also been through a lot. I hope everyone is doing okay.

Anon's POV

I awoke feeling surprisingly well-rested. I stood and stretched before realizing I'm in my night gown. Dovah must have changed my clothes. Aww...gross. Thoughtful and a nice gesture but gross. I stood from the bed and began to make my way to the door. I froze. There was no noise. It's odd when you live with a pothead dad and an alcoholic mom. They're usually never quiet. I stepped into the hallway. Blood covered the hallway. I felt a shiver down my back. I rushed back into my room and changed into ClawHeart's Uniform. I rushed down the stairs. More blood. I heard a thump from the kitchen. I rushed over to the kitchen to see it covered in blood. Mom and Dad unconscious on the floor, but standing in the middle of the room was Mr. Connor. "M-Mr. Connor, what are you doing here so early in the morning?" I stuttered as I noticed he was indeed on Coon's hand. "Isn't it obvious, ClawHeart? We need to take them to get ButtLord's help with our plan." Connor explained. "Be a dear and help me with them." Connor said. I hesitated. "We're - we're not going to hurt my parents, right?" I asked. I loved my parents regardless of anything. I was so deep in thought I didn't notice Connor smirk. "Of course not. Just wanna rough them up a little and get ButtLord's help." I heard him say...and I believed him. I helped him bring my parents to a dark warehouse. I tied them up to their chair as Mr. Connor returned with a camera and three men. "Alright, Mr. Connor. They're tied up tight." I said as I started to approach them. "Very good, ClawHeart. I got a reward for you as a 'Thank you' for being so obedient. Gentlemen, proceed." I heard Connor said as I was grabbed by the men. One for each arm as on man proceeded to clip a collar around my neck before proceeding to shove a muzzle over my head. I fought every step of the way, but in the end. I was trapped. Connor had me taken away and handed over to a crazy dude, who was working on giving butts to things. That all happened within just a few hours. I was stuck in a room with some other cats. Poor things were pissed off due to them being covered in butts. I knew I was gonna be next. But luckily the Doctor dude has to fill out paperwork before he does anything. I tried to text my brother, but when one of the men that took me saw it they broke it and hit me. Finally, they decided to move me downstairs. I've been chained there ever since early this morning. I was afraid I'd never see my family again. I felt like shit and probably looked it too. Dovahkiin'll find me....I hope. I wouldn't blame him if he doesn't with the way I've been treating him. Hours have gone by since Connor fucked me over. Mom and Dad showed up. Dad was shoved into a tube while Mom was getting strapped down to a table. I was ashamed to even look them in the eyes. I felt the facility shake. The power grid was shut down. I could hear it and feel it. I listened as the place was getting torn to pieces. Mom was injured earlier by a sixth grader that seemed to been altered when she tried to escape. I heard Dad say something. "Sport? Is that you? It IS! Cupcake, it's me. Daddy!" Then I saw him. Dovahkiin walked in hardly even hurt. He looked shocked for a moment before rushing to my side completely ignoring Dad. He unlocked the door and pulled me into a hug. I felt my eyes getting watery as I buried my face into his shoulder. "I'm sorry." I sniffled as Dovahkiin pulled me closer. He pulled away before checking me over before checking on mom and dad. I went to look at the machine. Mom and Dad was arguing back and forth over who lives and dies, ratting eachother out on the medicine, trying to get Dovah to side with them. I was shaking. I hated to even think about one of them dying, especially at the hands of my brother. Finally, Dovah had enough. He marched over to me took me by the shoulders. I knew this look. He was gonna...I began to tear up before clinging to him. "I'm sorry, Dovah. I'm so sorry." I cried as Dovah held me tight. He pulled back before handing me something...His stopwatch, the real thing that's been stopping, rewinding, and forwarding time. I looked at him before pulling him in for another hug. "I love you, Dovah. I'll make this right." And for the first time since this messed up game started, Dovah smiled before muttering. "I know you will. I love you." He said before he stepped into the machine. He squeezed his whole body in and motioned for me to push the button. With watery eyes, I did. I heard the grinding and the machine confirm the DNA. I took one last look around before squeezing the watch in my hand. I left my parents to reunite with my friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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