Chapter 6

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Anonymous's POV
It was probably late afternoon when I got a video chat with Professor Chaos. I quickly change into my costume before answering. "Yes, Chaos?" I asked in a bored manner. "ClawHeart, I'm going on a mission with New Kid and was hoping you would want to join us." He said as I began to get slightly interested. "Sure. Why the sudden mission?" I asked. "New Kid and I want to switch franchises." He said as he glanced around. "Alright, I'll meet you at your house." I said as I switched off the chat. I quickly made my way to Chaos's house. As soon as I got there, Chaos and Dovahkiin came running out. "To the Freedom Pals base." Butters cheered as he led us to Token's house. I cringed as I watched Chaos and Dovahkiin hack the control panel on the basement door. We began to walk down into the basement. I looked around amazed at the equipment. I watched as Chaos and Dovah looked around. "Gee whiz, would you look at this? Wow, now this is a superhero base!" Chaos said as I glanced at Dovah, who seemed to be in awe. "Hey ButtLord. Tell Coon to take some decorating lessons from these guys." I said with a smirk as Dovah smiled back. I glanced around before leaning toward my brother as Chaos continued to talk. "Don't you think it's strange that there's only a lock on the door and no one here? No traps or even one Freedom Pal?" I said as I glanced around at the equipment. I looked at a screen to find something or rather...someone in the reflection. They were right behind us. "What are you doing here?!" Mysterion said as Chaos screamed. I almost laughed at the poor boy. But Chaos is such a fucking adorable cinnamon bun and if anyone fucking picks on him except for ClawHeart, I will fucking claw their eyes out and shove them so far their throat, that they would be able to see their fucking gallbladder. Chaos began to stutter as Toolshed and Wonder Tweek jumped out behind us. Toolshed being the closest. I began growling at Toolshed, that soon became slight hissing, causing Dovahkiin to wrap an arm around me to keep from ruining their chance of switching franchises. "Oh, hey, uh...Hey Mysterion... We were just hoping to speak with Doctor Timothy." Chaos stuttered as he glanced around knowingly terrified. "WHY?" Tweek yelled causing Chaos to jump with a yelp. I turned my attention to the elemental hero. I growled at him before Dovah nudged me. I quiet down as Butters continues to talk. "WOAGH! The New Kid wants to switch franchises. I told him I'd help!" Chaos said as Toolshed spoke up. "Hey, New Kid. Thought you might end up here." Toolshed said as Mysterion rushed in front a pair of curtains. "They're here to spy on what Timothy is working on." Mysterion stated as Tweek rushed to his side. "I say we rip 'em to shreds." He said as I began reaching for my swords, only for ButtLord to grab my hands as if to tell me to not fight yet. "Calm down everyone. Let's hear what they have to say." A voice sounded out as Timothy appeared from behind the curtains. Chaos stepped back slightly in fear before whispering. "Oh god. It's him." He said as I nudged him. Timmy wheeled forward before putting a hand to his temple. "This is a shocking change of heart for you Professor. You really wish to help the New Kid switch franchises?" He asked as Butters spoke up. "Wul YEAH. Y-you know-We just thought that- Yo- Your franchise seems a lot more OPEN and progressive and-" Butters stuttered as Doctor Timothy leaned forward as he intended his gaze. I just simply yawned at the Psychic's antics. I felt Dovahkiin grab at my hand in fear as Butters yelled out. "AGH! You know we just...thought he should switch because Coon and Friends just isn't kind of going anywhere." Chaos yelled out as Timothy's glare intensified. I looked worriedly at Chaos. You didn't need to be a Psychic to tell he's lying. "OH GOD! See, the New Kid came to me and said. "How do I quit Coon and Friends?" And since I hate Coon and Friends I decided to help him out!" Chaos yelled quickly as Timothy's glare lightened slightly. Tweek look at Timmy before asking. "You get anything?" Timmy glanced back at him before speaking. "The aluminum foil on his helmet seems to be blocking my abilities." With that being said, Chaos looked at ButtLord and I with a pleased smile. "Don't trust them, Doc. They can't see what you've been working on back there." Mysterion said as pointed to the curtain. "What if the New Kid really wants to switch?" Toolshed said as Timothy quickly spoke up. "We can see if the New Kid's intention are pure." Timothy said as he rolled forward. "We're sending Tupperware on a very important mission today. You can help with that mission." Timmy said as he rolled around us. "I don't need backup. Especially not a newb." Tupperware stared as Timmy looked back at him. "Easy, Tup. Remember the Freedom Pals motto." Timmy said as Tupperware sighed. "Yeah. Retribution, but with inclusion." "I'll send you the details on the mission. When you get there we can begin...In the meantime... I must get back to my work." Timmy stated as he rolled toward the curtains as Mysterion and Tweek pulled them back. They closed the door before Mysterion stood in front of the curtains as if to guard it from us. I waited by the stairs as my brother took a quick look around. Finally, I followed him upstairs before following him to the old SoDoSoPa ruins. I just waited downstairs for him. I knew what Mr. Conner was planning. He wanted my brother dead. And THAT scares me. I love Dovahkiin...I don't want to lose my only brother because of a stupid choice. I want to tell him....I Need to tell him. But Mr. Connor scares's like if he asked me to kill my brother...I'd very much rather to claw my heart out and eat it to save his life. And what would Dovahkiin think of me if I told him. Would he be greatful? Or would he turn me away? Or would he kill me? There are lots of options he has, but I have a feeling if I dont tell him soon that I'll regret it. I turned my head toward the stairs as Dovahkiin reached the bottom. He had some bruises and some cuts. I look at him in worried manner before following after him. Next to the Senior Center.

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