Chapter 8

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Anon's POV
I awoke with a yawn. I don't remember even falling asleep. I must have cried myself to sleep. I look out my window to find it was night time. I stood and stretched. I need to get ready for the mission. I sighed and made my way to the bathroom to wash my face. I walked out to be met with ButtLord. He was ready and waiting for me at the end of the hall. I sighed and rushed to his side. He gave me a look of concern before I nudged him to the side and went down the stairs. Items were thrown around and broken. I walked to the door with ButtLord in tow. It was...unlocked. Mom and Dad must be outside...lovely. ButtLord opened the door for me as I walked past him while trying not to look at him. We got to the bottom of the steps when I heard a rustle. We look over to see Mysterion. He gave us a pissed look. "It's about time. You know how hard it is to look mysterious when you're just standing around in some kid's front yard? It's pretty fucking hard." He said as he started down the street. I quickly followed after ButtLord, who was hot on Mysterion's tail. "I'm glad you're with us, New Kid. It's been tough being the only one on the team with real superpowers. While all the other kids are playing and working on their franchise plans, I'm stuck defending the city against evil, with barely any time to work on my pitch for a Mysterion spin-off movie." He said as we rushed down the street. "Sometimea it feels like a curse having these powers. You know how it is...because you're like me. I'm sure the power of your ass weighs heavy on you." I sighed. Of course, he's talking to Dovahkiin....I'm not surprised. I looked to find Mom and Dad in front of a red house. I walked over to hear Dad talking. "There is no way - NO WAY - those kids are sneaking out tonight." Dad said as Mom drunkenly replies. "Well you better hope not. It's fucking crazy out here." I sighed again. They didn't notice us. Mysterion and Dovah stopped not far from me as I began to make my way past them. "Don't like to talk about it, huh? That's okay. I understand." Mysterion said as I began to walk ahead of them. "Let's just get to the police station and find the evidence we need." He said as I heard them walking behind me. I noticed more adults as we continued down the street. "Wow. The adults in this town are really out of their fucking minds." Mysterion commented as we continued down the street. I listened as Mysterion made comments about Dovahkiin while I felt my brother's gaze on my back. We finally made it to the Police station. I quickly took my place by Professor Chaos as Mysterion gave us the plan. "Alright, Freedom Pals, here's the plan. Once we get inside the police station. Toolshed and the New Kid will set up a diversion and then the - Wait a minute...What the Fuck?!" I followed his gaze to see Coon and Friends. "The hell are they doing here?" I muttered as they approached.  "Yeah, come on guys! Huh, we've got to get inside the police station!" Coon said in an acting tone. I glared at Coon as they got closer. "What are you assholes doing here?" Mysterion voiced as they stood parallel to us. "We're here to investigate a hot lead regarding the South Park police." Coon said in a matter-of-fact tone. Wonder Tweek let out an enraged shout. "That's what WE'RE doing!" He said as it finally clicked. They sent ButtLord and Chaos to spy on Freedom Pals and they think I'm taking the fall for it. Oh, hell no. "Oh, no. No. No. This is our superhero mission, Freedom Pal. Fuck you guys!"  Coon said as I let out a growl. ButtLord nudged me to settle down, which only ended up with me glaring at him. "Get lost before there's a fight!" Tupperware said as FastPass quickly stepped forward. "Fellas! Fellas! Have we all forgotten there's a little girl in trouble in there?" He said as Coon stepped forward. "Fastpass is right. I suppose that, just this once, we should put our petty differences aside and work together." Coon said almost suspiciously out of Character. Freedom Pals quickly gave eachother a look as I continued to glare at Coon. "Alright, Mysterion...what's the plan?" Coon said as Mysterion gave a look of hesitation. He looked down and began to talk. "I...think some of us should cause a diversion. Make the cops head towards it so the rest can sneak in without the cops noticing." He said as Coon nodded. "Good idea. Coon Friends will go up the fire escape and cause a diversion so Freedom Pals can sneak in the front." I frowned at the suggestion as I looked toward the window. The cops are on the first floor. The second floor should be cleared. Why go to the second floor if it's most likely where the evidence and such are? "This is all pretty coincidental. Did you guys just steal our lead again?" Toolshed asked as Coon stepped forward. "Innocent people are being arrested, Toolshed. That's all that matters to us. It should be all that matters to you. Okay, Coon Friends, up the fire escape! Come on, guys!" Coon said as the went around the side of the building. "Stand by - We gotta wait for the diversion. Come take a look at this." Mysterion said as ButtLord and him looked through the window. After a minute, Mysterion jumped down and gestured to ButtLord. "Alright, come on, ButtLord!  The coast is clear!" He said as ButtLord, Tupperware, and I went in through the front door. The cop looked us over before shouting. "Oh shit, a criminal! And he's with two innocent children." He said backing up with a gun in his hands. "Code red! Assualt on the precinct!" He said as he shot at the glass. Unfortunately, it was bullet proof and just reflected off and bounced around before hitting him in the chest. "Wow, I didn't see that coming." Tupperware said as I looked at him. "Really? Because I did." I said as ButtLord opened the door to the main office. Of course, there was 4 cops there, high or drunk as shit. "I guess we're dealing with these guys ourselves." He said as ButtLord started the combat. It didn't take long for us to take the cops down. Of course, the other boys and Wendy kept getting in my way as if to either protect me or some shit. It really bugged me when I went to move to hit the cops that Dovahkiin would get between us and take them down. I growled as I simply left the fight to them. I walked into a room where a red haired man stood waiting for something. I held my breath before making my way in. I was only there for a second before the others came. "That's enough! Just stand down, kid!" He said as Tupperware and Wonder Tweek walked beside Mysterion. "Look, I know why you're here. You're fed up. Because you think all cops do is harass black people." He said as I rolled my eyes. "I know that to a young kid it can seem like cops are racist and bigoted. But you can't believe what the media tell you." He said as I groaned. "Cops are just people. Like you, your friends, your family. People who work hard to-" "SPOOOOK!" A cop yelled as he shot at Tupperware. Tweek let out a gasp as the cops spoke to eachother. I sighed as I followed my brother to the staircase before I started scaling the stairs with ease. Dovahkiin took out the lasers for Tupperware and they got up the stairs. "Took you both long enough. We made it to the jail and there were lots and lots of black people in the jail. "Holy shit." I whispered as Dovahkiin went to free them only for more police to surround us. Dovahkiin continued to get in my way as I tried to fight. I growled as I pushed him out of the way and lunged at the nearest policeman. I managed to knock him out as we finished off the rest of them. I quickly turned in Dovahkiin. I grabbed him by the collar of his Costume and pulled him toward me. "Stay out of my fucking way, Douchebag." I hissed as I pushed him away and made my way to the opened door and hit the release button on my way out. I managed to make my way to the Mr. Yates office before the rest of the heroes by using the ventilation system. He stared at me before starting his speech. "You know what a cop is, New Kid? A cop is a slave." He said as he stood and began to walk around behind me as if to herd me. I moved over as he continued to approach me. "A robot who is told to think for himself. It's the politicians who are the real bigots." He said as I backed myself into a corner. He gave me a look over and seemed to notice my ears. He grabbed me by the back of the costume and thrown me over his shoulder. I shuddered as I hit him over the head as he moved to Scrabbles was sitting. It wasn't long until a rag was pushed to my face and I blacked out. Next thing, I know is I'm waking up to ButtLord standing over me. He gave me a concerned look as I tried to stand only to almost fall on my face. He quickly scooped me up since it was obvious I had no strength right now. He walked us over to the others. I groan as I laid my head against Dovahkiin's shoulder. I quickly zoned out, only looking up when I was passed to someone else. Last thing, I remember is being put to bed, and a kiss being pressed to my forehead.

P.S.- I know it's bad but the police station is a long mission and I didn't want to write it all because I'm lazy.

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