Chapter 2

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Anonymous's POV
"I can't believe it. My own brother won't let me play with them. I mean, really, what the actual hell, Ike." I yelled through the phone at Ike. I knew Ike was probably half listening half watching a video on YouTube. Ike mumbled a bit, letting me know he's still listening...probably. "I know! You agree with me!" I yelled as I heard a noise come from my laptop. I turned to find someone wanted to video chat on Skype. "Hey Ike. I'll call you back." I said as Ike hanged up. "Rude." I said as I put my phone in my pocket. I sat down at my desk and accepted the chat. I watched as a hand with eyes and lipstick appeared on screen. "Hello Anonymous." He said as I glared at the video. I knew the voice and the hand anywhere. "What do you want, Cartman?" I growled as the hand began to talk again. "My name is Mitch Connor. I've been watching you, kid. Fighting alongside your brother. And look what it led too. Them refusing to let you play." He said as I glared at him. "Cartman. I swear if your just trying to make me feel even worse. I will walk over to your house and kick you overly stuffed vagina belching face in." I growled as the hand looked...pleased. "Yes! Yes! Your anger against your friends and brother could be useful. Go outside and get the package off your porch and bring it back here." Cartman said as I groaned. "But that's too far!" I groaned before getting up from my chair and getting on the floor and crawling my way out the door for more dramatics. I could practically see Cartman roll his eyes at me. I rolled down the stairs and crawled to the door and grabbed the package. It was a fairly medium sized box. I walked up the stairs and made my way into my room. "Alright, Cartman. I got your stupid package." I growled as the hand on the screen chuckled. "Open it." He said as I glared at him. "And risk getting blown up or pranked. No thanks." I said as I crossed my arms. "Just open the package. I know you want to play the game like your brother and friends." He said knowing he caught my attention. I grew out my nail into a somewhat sharp claw and opened the package. Inside the box, I found a pair of black pants, a black button up shirt with half of the sleeves ripped halfway off. There was also a pair of black boots, a belt with some silver chains, a black cape, a roll of bandages, and a silver cross necklace.

 There was also a pair of black boots, a belt with some silver chains, a black cape, a roll of bandages, and a silver cross necklace

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I looked at the outfit, already knowing I was going to add somethings to the outfit. "You are to work for me, Anonymous, as a villain." The hand said as I looked at the camera and nodded, desperately wanting to be involved in the game. Your first assignment is to choose a name and class." Mr. Connor said as my phone lite up. A new app downloaded on my phone. Coonstagram. I opened it and made an account before thinking of some info for my character sheet.
Race: Neko
I stared at the choices. Pansexual? Cis? Trans? Polygender? What the hell are these choices? I was born a boy, but I don't mind being called a girl or dressing or acting like one. So does that make me Gender-fluid?...probably. I put down Pansexual, even if I haven't really learned or felt anything sexual for anyone...could be just my age.
Sex/Gender: Pansexual Genderfluid
Alignment: Chaotic
Religion: Christian
Power Source: Heart
Kryptonite: Thunderstorms
Economic Level: 1%

After looking over my character sheet, I notice I was missing my class. I look over my options.
Class(es): Physic, Assassin, Martial Artist
I smiled before submitting the character sheet. "Good job, kid. Now for your name." He said as I smiled. "My name is ClawHeart. I was once a ordinary boy who was kidnapped at birth by the Government, who experimented on me, before I was able to escape only to be found and raised by a pride of wild Jaguars. I was named ClawHeart after proving my skill and determination to the pride. I was hired by Mr. Connor to help bring more crime into the city." I said before smiling proudly at my work. "Alright. Get ready, ClawHeart. I'm sending you on your first assignment." Mr. Connor said as I quickly read over the message of my mission. I quickly got my costume on before grabbing a black cat-eared cowl.

 I quickly got my costume on before grabbing a black cat-eared cowl

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I smiled before grabbing some weapons. Two swords with a cat logo on them, a bow with a quiver full of arrows, and two daggers that were hidden in my boots. "Let's do this~." I purred as I cartwheeled out the door to do my first mission. Help Professor Chaos attack South Park.

Hey guys, I'm sorry I was so late on this chapter. I kinda got busy with exams and projects for school....and I may had gotten writers block, but since I thought ahead to what I want to do later in the story. I realized I have to get to that point of the story first. Anyway, Merry very very late Christmas and Happy New Years. Please let me know how the story is going so far. Some feedback would be nice. Thanks for all the support. Bye my lovely and beautiful wolves, Em.

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