Chapter 5

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Anonymous's POV
I head home to get some rest for tonight. In other words, Chaos told/threatened me to go home and get some sleep for the fight that should be taking place tonight. I opened the door of the house before heading upstairs. I was stopped when I ran into Dovahkiin, who was standing at the top of the stairs. I look ahead of him to see Mom and Dad. "I didn't tell him! Our child did!" Mom yelled at Dad. "But you confirmed it when the principal called you! How long before they find out everything?!" Dad yelled back causing me to cower back behind Dovahkiin. We both happened to be in out Civilian clothing, so I reached and held onto Dovahkiin's arm. He looked and gave me a reassuring smile. "Our children are hurting, don't you get it?! They're asking questions about their race and sexual orientation because they're confused!" Mom confessed. Yeah, forgot to mention, earlier I went to Mr. Mackey to confirm somethings about gender, sexuality, and all that Jazz. "Confusion was the point! The more our kids learn about the truth, the more dangerous it becomes, you stupid whore - Hey, look who's here!" Dad said finally noticing our presence. "Been out playing, little squirts? Ha ha!" Dad said before laughing awkwardly. "Your dinner is on the table, punkin! Then straight to bed - you both have school tomorrow! Ha ha ha!" Mom said before laughing awkwardly. "School tomorrow! Ha!" Dad repeated as they went separate ways. Dovahkiin and I glance at each other before heading downstairs to eat. I quickly finish my food before heading upstairs to bed. I laid in bed, waiting for sleep, only to hear the door open. I felt the bed sink beside me. "Hey kiddo, listen." It was Dad. "I know we never talked about it, but your mother and I are very proud Americans. Night night, punk." Dad said as in felt my hand on my head before the hand ruffled my hair. The weight on the bed had disappeared and the door closed. I wiped another tear from my eye. "Night Dad." I said as I fell into a deep sleep.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I awoke to a knocking on my window. I sit up and look to the window to see General Disarray. I yawned as I crawled out of bed to the window. "What is it, General?" I asked as I began putting my hair up into Pigtails. "Professor asked if I'd come retrieve you, ClawHeart." He said as his face slowly turned red. I rubbed my tired eyes as I turned and stretched. "Give me a minute to get in uniform." I said as I began to spin in a circle. I stopped to find myself in Costume. I put on my cowl before going to pet Shira on the head. "Come on, girl. Onto the bed." I said as Shira got up and jumped onto the bed. I quickly placed the covers over her. "Good girl, Shira." I said as I gave her a treat and a pat on the head. I hurried back to the window, where the General disappeared too. I look down to find the General waiting on the ground. "Look out below!" I said as I jumped down. The General jumped away as I landed beside him. "Let's go!" I said as I quickly rushed out. The General blinked before rushing after me. It wasn't long until I stopped in front of the U-Stor-It and waited for the General to catch up. He stopped beside me panting. I smiled apologetically as he tried to catch his breath. "You alright, General?" I asked as he stood straight. "How are you so fast?!" He panted. I just smirk before purring. "You need a lot of stamina for lots of know what those things are, General~?" I purred as the General began turning red. "Wh-What?" He stuttered as I smiled innocently. "Fighting, Silly! What do you think I meant?" I purred as I sashayed into the fenced facility, leaving a blushing General in embarrassed shock. I stopped and turned to look back at the General. "Are you coming, General?" I asked as the General shook his head and rushed into the Facility. The General quickly lead me to Chaos, who laid out a game plan.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Apparently, I'm stuck with the General to hold off the heroes then I was to rush to Chaos's side to help. I was currently leaning against a metal bar studying my claws and weapons for the fight. Every once and a while glancing up at the General, who was glancing back at me every few seconds. Just to play around, I would catch him staring before I smile and wink at him, which made his face erupt in a shade of red that rivaled his own hair. It wasn't long until a voice rang out. "You guys see Scrambles here?" I knew the voice from anywhere...Cartman. I look at the door to see the Coon and Friends and Toolshed. I smiled as the General pushed the Button on the controls causing a container to release the lava. "Oh shit, lava!" Mosquito cried out as the General laughed. I let myself chuckle a bit as the heroes glanced around. "WILL YOU STOP FUCKING AROUND, CHAOS?!" Coon yelled as I glanced at the General and nodding. "Not Professor Chaos - His partner in crime! General Disarray!" I smiled at his dramatic introduction. "Careful, he's a ginge." Coon whispered, but obviously I could hear him. "Do you know what Professor Chaos has planned for this city?!" General Started before Toolshed interrupted. "Look kid, you and Butters are taking this way too far." Toolshed said before Coon stated. "Yeah, it's time to teach you a lesson!" Coon said as I interjected for Disarray. "Really, Sweetheart?" I started before chuckling. "That won't be as easy as you think." I stated as I stood from my spot against the wall as Disarray pushed a button on the remove causing more lava to fall where Coon once stood. "Minions! Vamonos!" I said as I got in position. My sword drawn and everything. I was able to get a few good hits on some heroes, I even knocked Super Craig unconscious. But in the end, The General and I were defeated. I was leaning against my elbows as I watched Coon walk over to where Disarray laid. He grabbed the remote and smashed it causing lava to pour everywhere. I gasped as I quickly hopped to my feet and yanked Disarray away from the path of the streaming lava. I picked him up bridal style and rushed to the ladder that was by Disarray's stage thing. I jumped up and climbed before rushing out through the window toward Chaos's meeting place. It wasn't long until I stopped and tightened my grip on the unconscious General. I opened a revival serum and helped him drink it, as a part of the facility blew up. I tightened my arm around the younger kid. I waited until the explosion settled before pulling away from the red headed general. "You alright, General?" I asked as I slowly helped him stand. "Thank you, ClawHeart." He said as I smiled at him. "No problem, General. No problem at all." I said as we began to walk toward where we were to meet up with Chaos. But, Disarray and I happened to get there as Chaos's Mecha Minion Robot supreme was destroyed. I put my back against the wall of tinfoil, so that I was hiding in the shadows, before grabbing ahold of Disarray and pulled him into my chest to make ourselves seem smaller in the dark. Disarray squirmed before I ducked my head down to whisper in his ear. "Stop moving or you'll give us away then we'll have to fight them again. I don't have enough revival serums for that fight." I whispered as he stopped moving and finally relaxed. I watched as Chaos was dragged off by Coon. I held onto Disarray for a few minutes until I heard the Gates. I sighed before releasing the General. "Come on, I'lol walk you home." I said as I began leading the kid away from the fallen robot. I made sure Disarray was home before heading home myself. I climbed through the window of my room before changing into my night clothes. I yawned before going to my bed and laying down next to Shira, who was happily sleeping. I smiled before snuggling into my pillow as sleep overtook me. Unfortunately, this almost caused my brother and I to be late for school the next morning.

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