Chapter 3

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Anonymous's POV
For the past day, I was observing and helping Professor Chaos with his plans. So far the only thing I've been doing is confirming things between Chaos, the minions, and Mr. Connor. Right now, I'm on the roof of a warehouse with Chaos, who was overseeing the minions. I was laying on the edge of the building stretched out without a care in the least until I heard a message over Coonstagram. 'A Battle at Main Street? Interesting. It's probably worth checking out.' I thought as I pushed myself into a handstand before cartwheeling to my feet. I stretched out with a purr before turning to Chaos. "I'm going to check out a Battle at Main Street." I said as I walked to his side. Chaos looked at me, smiled and nodded before going back to overseeing. Me being unsatisfied with the 'little to no attention' reaction, I sashayed in front of Chaos while slowly and gently brushing my fingers across Chaos's chest while my tail brushed slowly under Chaos's chin. I smiled when Chaos turned bright red. I chuckled before jumping down to the ground and sprinting to Main Street.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Five Minutes Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I finally made it to Main Street and just in time. I watched as two teams of heroes stood in the street facing each other and glaring. The only two that were arguing was Wonder Tweek and Super Craig. I smiled before casually leaning against a building, so that I can easily see the battle. I watched as The Coon and My Brother *Mental Gag* ran pat me to the battle. "We were supposed to be a duo remember, Tweek?!" Craig yelled at the Spazzing Blonde. "Yeah, I remember! So, when I walked out on Coon and Friends, you should've walked out with me!" The blonde yelled, only for the black haired superhero to retaliate. "I like Coon and Friends!" "Because you had your own movies!" Tweek yelled as my Brother stepped into the street. Human Kite looked at him. "Thank God you're here. They're really going at it." The alien kite said as Craig began yelling over him. "Super Craig had to have movies before Wonder Tweek was introduced! It made no sense otherwise." Craig yelled as I mentally began making a chart on why I should never date another superhero/villain. "Your whole group make no sense!" Tweek yelled as Fatass stepped forward. "Because you're a traitor, Tweek, and now you're with a group of super traitors!" He said as I rolled my eyes as I mentally reminded myself to bring my camera to the next fight, so I can record, sell, and become rich on the drama the guys create. A kid in dark purple and green stepped forward and began calling Coon out. "This was started by you! By people who thought there should be preferential treatment to certain heroes." "We aren't the ones who walked out on the fucking franchise, Mysterion!" Coon yelled as Professor Timothy rolled his wheelchair forward before staring at Coon with his hand to his temple. "Get out of my head, Timmy." Coon warned before a moment later looking at the rest of the Coon and Friends and stating. "He just called us douchebags, in my mind." Causing the rest of the Coon and Friends except Dovahkiin to scowl. "He did?!" Kyle screeched as Coon yelled. "All right you son of a bitch!" Cartman stated as he rushed forward to strike at Timmy, only for Timmy to teleport to the other side of the street causing me to breathlessly chuckle. "Motherfucker! Coon Friends, deal with these assholes!" Coon yelled as he began quickly waddling down the street. I watched as both team got in position and began to fight. I sighed as I casually took note of each team until suddenly Human Kite and Mysterion yelled out. "Car!" "Car!" Both teams jogged to the sidewalk. I notice a certain Alien Kite superhero notice me along with the Immortal 4th grade hero. I smirked before giving the a two finger solute and a wink. Kite almost immediately lite up in a bright red color while Mysterion gave me a once over before nodding back. "Clear!" "Clear!" Mysterion and Kite yelled as all the heroes went back to there positions and continued the fight. I frown when I notice the Freedom Pals went down faster than I expected. The Coon Friends rushed to Dovahkiin. "Good job, New Kid. You're really getting the hang of this." Human Kite said as Super Craig looked around. "Hey wait, what about Coon?!" Craig said as Kite turned to where Fatass ran off to. "Oh shit, come on!" Kite said as they rushed off. I waited until they were out of view. I sighed as I pushed myself from the wall and sashayed over to the fallen heroes. I pulled out three healing potions and helped each of them up before giving each a 'healing food'. I smiled at them before rushing away to home. I informed Professor Chaos ahead of time that I was retiring for the day. I walk into the house in my civilian clothes, only to find Mom and Dad arguing again. I head upstairs to my room to find Shira asleep in her bed. I smile before grabbing a nightgown from my closet and getting dressed for bed. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth before returning to my room. I began brushing my hair as I listened to Mom and Dad argue. "What are you doing even talking to the school counselor?! Why'd you answer the phone?!" Dad yelled at Mom. "Have you lost your fucking mind?! Our child felt the need to go talk to the school counselor. Doesn't that bother you at all?!" Mom yelled as Dad retaliated. "So you told him the truth?!" "No, we didn't talk about THAT at all." "You dumb bitch - you'll ruin everything!" "I don't have to listen to this from a stoned out POT HEAD! I need a drink!" Mom said as I frowned. I hate when they fight. "Sure, drown your problems in Chardonnay, you stupid skank - oh hey, whippersnapper!" I put down my hair brush down and rushed to turn off my light and jump into bed. "Have a fun day out playing?" Mom asked Dovah before Dad let out a fake laugh. "Ha Ha aha!! Well, I'm exhausted. Gonna get ready for bed." "Dinner's on the table if you want it, punk. But then straight to bed, OK?" Mom started before saying. "Pot head." Only for Dad to talk back. "Alcoholic!" I listened as they came upstairs as I crawled in bed with a sigh. I laid there before Mom opened my door with a glass in her hand and a bottle in the other. "Sweetie...I just want you to know that...whatever happens...mommy always loved you and your brother. Goodnight sweetheart." I wipe away a tear as she closes the door. "I'll always love you, Dad, and Dovah too." I whispered as I fell into a dark dreamless sleep.

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