Chapter 4

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Anonymous's POV
'Beep...Beep...Beep!' I growled before slamming my hand onto my alarm. I sat up and yawned before getting ready for school. I put on some black tights, a red knee length plaid skirt, a long sleeved white shirt, and a red flannel. I got up and brushed my hair and pulled it up into a ponytail before heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I knocked on the door before heading inside....where my brother was on the toilet. I calmly walk past him while silently holding my breath. I quickly brushed my teeth as Dovahkiin stared at me. I would usually talk to him, but as you can see I am still severally pissed at him. I rinsed my mouth before marching out the door without sparing Dovahkiin a glance. Once I closed the bathroom door, I began coughing, hacking, and trying to get clean air again. I quickly composed myself before heading downstairs to the kitchen. I quickly scooped my breakfast off the table and made my way to the living room. I flicked on the T.V.. "And now the news program that starts your day off right... GOOD MORNING SOUTH PARK!" The T.V. stated before showing a newsman. "Good morning, South Park!" He said sounding somewhat bored. "A new vigilante took to the streets last night and has apparently single-handedly taken down the Famboni crime family. Here with more is a midget in a bikini." The newsman said before a man in a bikini showed on screen. I rolled my eyes before leaning forward to listen more intently. "Tom, I'm standing outside the Buca De Faggoncini where the vigilante declared war on crime in South Park." At this point, I was practically hoping it wasn't Dovahkiin. "Security-camera footage showed a young person farting in people's faces, on their balls - it was just terrifying." The midget said as I put my head in my hands as a pair of beat up drunks appeared on screen. "The kid came in and just...just started farting on people!" "It was outta nowhere, man." The camera switched to a woman. "Maybe someone's finally standing up to what's wrong with this city. This New Kid's a hero!" I growled as the camera switched to a man. "The kid's menace, if you ask me. How long before he or she kills an innocent person? How long before Daredevil becomes the Punisher? Huh? Three seasons? THREE SEASONS!" Then back to the Midget. "Police called to the scene found a treasure trove of illegal items that they claim might tie to the Italian restaurant to a larger crime syndicate. This may be just the tip of the iceberg." Now back to Tom. "Certainly chilling stuff and, there were reports the vigilante possibly had a sidekick?" I became intrigued. 'Dovahkiin already has a sidekick?' I thought as the midget spoke again. "There was thought to be a sidekick, Tom, but further investigation showed it was just some little twerp with diabetes." I furrowed my eyebrows. 'Scott. Should have known. How dare they call him a Twerp with diabetes! He's not a twerp! In fact, he's actually really cool! Not as cool as Mysterion, Professor Chaos, and Me, but still really cool! And he has such a cute lisp!' I scowled before turning my attention to the T.V. "Thanks midget, and of course, the question on everyone's minds now... WHO IS the Farting Vigilante?" I scowled at the T.V. before heading to the kitchen to put my bowl in the sink. I head to the door grabbed my gray coat and blue scarf before slipping on my black and pink high-tops. I slung my bag over my shoulder as Dovahkiin came downstairs and puts on his coat and shoes. He grabbed his bag as I stride past him and to the bottom step of the porch. I walk to the bus stop with Dovahkiin trying to get my attention the whole time.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The minute school was out, I made my way to town and sat on the roof of one of the buildings by the alley. After a few minutes, I began to get bored and changed into ClawHeart, hoping to find something to bring Crime or have some fun. I sighed before noticing my brother was beginning to walk into the alley. I stood by the edge and watched as some slutty looking girls 'jumped' him. "You really think you're tough shit, don't you? Well, it's time you meet someone. Say hi, Rebecca." I watched as a massive girl came out from the curve of the alley. At this point, I was beginning to feel bad for Dovah. "I'm gonna break you in half and stick you up my butt." Rebecca said as I began to pale. I immediately jumped down from the rooftops and landing by my brother. He looked at me wide-eyed. I rolled my eyes at him. "Don't get used to my help, Vigilante. I'm simply bored." I hissed as the Raisins charged at us. I pulled out my swords as Dovahkiin got his fire attacks ready. I went for the black haired and blonde Raisin girls while Dovahkiin took on Rebecca and the brunette. Once they were knocked down, A phone pinged. Rebecca pulled out her phone before freaking out. "Oh my god. Oh my god." "What?" "A thousand people just disliked the picture of me in ballet class on Instagram! I'm totally getting trolled right now!" Rebecca said as I remembered seeing that picture the other day. "Oh yeah. I saw that picture. I liked that picture by the way. It looked amazing." I commented as Rebecca somewhat smiled at me before frowning. The other Raisin girls quickly pulled out their phones as they began pinging. "What the f... Heather why'd you tweet that I was going out with Eric Cartman?!" A black haired girl said as I winced. 'Damn, that's cruel!' I thought as Heather piped up. "I didn't!" "I'm totally getting trolled right now too!" "What the fuck, what the fuck?! I just lost all my followers!" "I have to get to a computer!" "What the fuck, what the fuck?!" The Raisins rushed around Dovahkiin and I. I heard someone hit the ground behind us. I turned back swords raised. 'Wendy?' I thought as I saw the girl in pink. "Hello, New Kid." She said to my brother. I rolled my eyes and took that as my time to leave. I sighed as I watched the conversation from the roof. I watched as my brother somehow got into a new store that I never noticed. I sat and watched the scene unfold through the window. "Is that a...talking towel?" I muttered as I watched the towel get angry. I watched as the two workers and the towel beat the shit out of Dovahkiin, but what was really satisfying....was watching the towel set Cartman on Fire. "Yes! Go my Towel Boi!" I cheered from outside. If you haven't noticed, I'm still mad at Cartman, but this was super satisfying to watch. I sighed before hopping down from the roof of the building and heading toward the park to see if there was anything for me to do.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Okay! At this point, I am so tempted to just set a trash can on fire." I groaned as I rubbed my hands over my face. I sighed before sitting on a picnic table. I put my head in my hands as I heard snow crunching. I look up to see Dovahkiin, Human Kite, Coon *Gag*, and Fastpass. "You sure one of the Freedom Pals wants to meet with us?" Coon asked as Fastpass shrugged. "Yeah, his text said it was very urgent." "Yeah but...why would the Freedom Pals want to talk to US?" Coon questioned as he looked around as Human Kite looked around in thought. "Unless... This is some kind of trap." I rolled my eyes at the logic of that happening. My ears flick as I heard...power tools? I looked up to see Stan wearing goggles with tools strapped to his belt. Coon stepped forward with his hands on his hips. "Hello, Toolshed. Long time no see." Kyle seemed to explain something to Dovah. "Toolshed is a gadgeteer class visionary archetype." Human Kite said before Coon buts in. "AND a buttfucking traitor." I rolled my eyes as Toolshed began to talk. "Just listen to me. I understand that the New Kid helped take my dad's keys last night. New Kid, I don't know why you were looking out for my dad but...I owe you one. That's all I came to say. You might be in the wrong franchise, but if you ever need help I'll return the favor." I smiled at the scene...well at least before Coon ruined it. "HA! Ohh! You think the New Kid fucking cares about you? You belong to a loser, zero-income franchise that's run by a douchebag in a wheelchair!" I growled at him. 'Dude, How fucking dare you! Timmy is cool man. Like step down from your fucking high horse shit and smell the fucking bullshit coming out of that pie-hole you call a mouth!' I mentally hissed as I notice Timmy, Mysterion, and Tupperwear heading onto the ball court. "At least he's not a fat little phone stealer." Timmy mentally stated as he made himself known. "Oh, not him again." Coon said as I sat up quickly interested. "You call us losers when the only way you can get a lead is to STEAL IT? Where is Doctor Timothy's phone?!" Mysterion asked as I crossed my legs and leaned back on my hands. "Sorry, Freedom Pussies, that info is classified." Fastpass said as Coon laughed. "You guys need to stop investigating the Chamber of Commerce and leave it to the professional superheroes." Mysterion said as I rolled my eyes. "Oh yeah, you guys are the professional superheroes. It just so happens, Mysterion, that we already have a connection with Netflix." Coon said. "No, you don't." Tupperware said as Coon insisted. "Yes, we do. We're just about to get the Human Kite Netflix series off the ground, so..." I smirked before using my physic ability to go into his head. 'Liar.' I thought with a smirk as Doctor Timothy used his ability too. "N- Timmy. No. No! Stop it- STOP- STOP- STOP IT TIMMY! HE'S TRYING TO RAPE MY MIND! AGH! AGGHHH!" Coon began holding his head. Finally, Timmy said. "They don't have a connection at Netflix." He said before smiling. "Freedom Pals Just raped my mind you guys! Let's get these pedophiles!" Coon yelled as I rolled my eyes while still mentally wishing I brought my camera. "COON AND FRIENDS, ASSEMBLE!" Fastpass yelled as Toolshed ran back to the Freedom Pals Side. "FREEDOM PALS UNITE!" Toolshed yelled as everyone got in battle position. "CIVIL WAR TWO, IT'S GOING DOWN!" Coon yelled. I watched as they began beating the living soul out of each other. It wasn't long until Dovahkiin noticed me. He began trying to get me to join but I simply shook my head and put my hand up in a pass motion. Not long after Timothy made kindergarteners fight them. But regardless, Coon and Friends won. I sighed as I watched Freedom Pals get to their feet. "OH YEAH! OH YEAH! THAT IS TWICE WE KICKED YOUR ASSES!" Coon yelled as I got about enough of him. "That was unfair since you got ButtLord!" I shouted but it seems they ignored me. Finally, Toolshed turned to them. "You guys are NOTHING without the New Kid and you know it. New Kid, my offer stands. I still owe you one. And if you ever want to be part of a REAL franchise, just call me." Toolshed said before walking off. I began to stand as Coon continued to taunt. "Yeah right! YOU guys are DC comics! WE'RE Marvel!" Coon said as everyone, but Dovahkiin walked off. "Fuckin' asshole. You guys have Zack Snyder to drag your fucking movies." I rolled my before heading to the warehouse to prepare for tonight.

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