Chapter 7 Can a sacrafice be avoided part 1

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The girls and Danny are now on Eden. They start their next adventure where our purple-haired maiden left off.

*Emeralds POV*

We were in the cave that I had disappeared from. I walked over to the entrance hoping that it was still there. It was. Thank goodness. I looked over my shoulder and I beckoned them over.

"This way." I called out. My voice echoed across the cavern.

Once outside, I collasped on my knees tears forming in my eyes. It was too much to bear. My beloved home was now grey and lifeless. A hand was on my shoulder for renisurence. Turning slighty, I saw a pair of emerald eyes gleaming at my violet ones. Danny, my prince, helped me up and asked,

"Where should we start looking?"

"Anywhere really, I don't know where the answer would be." I replied bringing my arms out and turning gracefully.

We dedicied to split up and search for any clues to help my dying world.

*Dannys POV*

I felt terrible for Emerald, this is all she has left from her existance and could be gone in a matter of hours. I walked slowly around hoping to find anything. Well that stupid lady never said what it looked like. I thought. What object could hold the power and knowledge to create an ecosystem. *sigh* I hope we find it soon for her sake.

*Sapphires POV*

I went towards the cavern we were in. Something didn't feel right about that place but I couldn't put my finger on anything. I crawled through the tiny entrance and saw the colourful place with its beautiful lake. Still that feeling of uncertainty lingered in the air. I went with my senses and followed the wave. I stopped when I nearly fell into the lake. Wait the lake of course. These beautiful colours are coming from something in the water. I took off my jacket and boots and dived in searching for anything.

*Ruby POV*

Yuck. That was how to describe this horrible planet. How could anyone live here? Except for her, of course she could live here. *squish* Great now my boots are ruined. Don't get me wrong, I can't the Earth girl but I do hate seeing her upset. Upset from something I didn't do. On another note:

Its impossible to find anything thats not grey or squishy.

Wait why is my necklace glowing and is it dragging me.

" Someone help me!" I screamed.

*Dannys POV*

I found something yes. Another scroll. Great. I thought. This one doesn't have a seal. I'll read it then,

"I see that you have found the way to recreate this planets beautiful ecosystem. Ones heart and soul must revubinate ((really can't spell))

life," What does that mean? I wondered. " If the stupid boy is reading this then a sacrafice must be given. That sacrafice must be the one who originates from there. If possible a different solution can take place but thats your decision. Toodloo Girls and Stupid Boy." I read out the last words and relised two things,: one that witch hates me and two, ...








Emerald has to die to save her planet. She won't even be able to live here anymore. Something wet was on my cheeks. Tears. Why was I crying? Of course, losing a friend would make me cry.

*Third POV*

As Sapphire, Ruby and Danny had their own problems, Emerald wasn't having a fun time either. She was dragged like her sister through mud, dust and bones towards the cave. Whilst her eldest sister swam through looking for the hint of help.

A sparkle blinded her only for a second before grabbing what looked like a gem. What could a gem do? The older sister wondered. Outside the cave the two sisters met both covered in grim. And now cobwebs from the entrance.

*Sapphires POV*

I broke the surface of the water to find both of my sisters covered head to toe in mud.

"What happened to you two?" I asked. Emerald looked to Ruby in that 'you explain' look. She took in a deep breath and,

" Well these stupid necklaces dragged m-us through everything and I mean everything to get here for some strange reason." She explained her face full of anger while the other victim mearly smiled and continued to wash the mud off.

"It might have something to do with this." I said and held up the gem ((if you are a fan of teen titans and teen titans go then it looks like the episode the colours of raven if not check it out)) it gleamed and now the lake looked glum. Before anyone could speak fooysteps echoed throughout the cave. It was Danny. He had a scroll in his hand.

"Emerald must die to save her world. Here us the scroll that says so." He spoke shocking us all. We all looked at her but she smiled and said,

"Then we must find an alternative solution." We all agreed and tried to figure out a way.


Hi again sorry it took long but was busy. Need help urgently to think up ideas idmf you guys have any please message me on my boars or comment. Chapter 8: Can a sacrafice be avoides part 2. The gem reveals more than meets the eye. Can it help so a life can be saved.

Thanks for adding my story and update soon.

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