Chapter 8 Can a sacrafice be avoided part 2

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Hi guys, its been awhile. I'm sorry but I had school and been sick to deal with recently. Remember to vote and review/comment.


Emerald's death was the only way to save Eden. Could they come up with a different way to spare a life?

*Third POV*

Everyone racked out their brains trying to figure out another way to save their sisters/friends life. Sapphire searched the rest of the cave, Ruby and Danny went outside and Emerald tried to figure out how to use the gem. If the gem is suppose to save my home, then there must be a spell or can cation to activate it. Emerald thought. She looked around from were she was and her eyes settled on the scroll. Maybe this could give me some answers. She started looking over the scroll for answers.

*With Ruby and Danny (Ruby's POV)*

We started to look around for anything really. Well Danny was like a maniac and I couldn't be bothered really. We would find a way eventually and our mom wouldn't kill Emerald, would she?         "You found anything yet Ruby." Danny called out bringing me out of my thoughts.                                 "No, not yet but don't worry, we should something sooner or later. But in this dump who could." I whispered the last part, I knew he would have a fit if he heard it. I looked ahead and there he was lifting rocks branches and even dead animals for a girl's life. A girl he was only friends with, would he do that for me, his girlfriend. Potential lover/crush same thing.                                                                 "Would you do the same for me Danny?" He looked over at me with a soft smile plastered across he face, "I would like to think my boyfriend would have an interest in well-being." When I said boyfriend he looked like he was on cloud nine. He walked to me and cupped my face. I stared into his deep forest green eyes lovingly and saw deep, real affection for me. At least we feel the same.                     "You really mean it Ruby? This isn't some joke cause you finally figured out my secret, huh?" Danny looked away dropping his hands ever so slightly. I went to grabbed them and replace on the warm spot on my cheeks.                                                                                                                                   "Of course I love you. I've had this feeling for ages but never found the right moment especially with this going on. I hope you accept my offer of becoming my boyfriend." I told him. It was all truth, even though I think he's a hopeless idiot, he should be my hopeless idiot.                                                      "I accept my new and first girlfriend." He told me and bend-ed down and kissed me on my cheek. I felt my cheeks heat en as soon as his warm, soft lips left my cheek. I looked away too embarrassed and found particularly interest in searching over where a lake would've been. At least that earth girl can't touch him anymore. 

*Danny's POV*

I was elated that Ruby is now my girlfriend but I can't help feel guilt pool in my stomach for some reason and when I try to think, all I see is purple. How weird. I went back to searching for Emerald, no matter what relationship I had with anyone else, I couldn't let a friend die on me. What was it we were looking for anyway. I called after my girlfriend and we went together hand in hand to investigate the now dried up lake.

*In the cavern with Sapphire (Her POV)*

Nothing was here, I had searched every nook and cranny four times already. At first I thought that there was a second part of the gem and scroll but that seems only a dream right now. Emerald might die yet she is calm, Danny is on the verge of tears and Ruby isn't on great terms with our sister but I feel sadness even from her. I can't let here die on my watch.                                                                   "Hello sister, I hope you've found something of great value. I think I have something to show you that will help." Emerald told me from the entrance. I beckoned over my sister. She placed the gem on my lap and lay ed the blank side of the scroll on top. It was like a colourful explosion in front of me. Emerald sat down next to me on her knees. Words started to appear on the scroll like a poem or song. When it finished Emerald took the scroll away, the words faded again. The gem must be the key to the words.                                                                                                                                        " Those are words to save Eden. You just place the gem in the ground and say the spell to complete the process. I was planning on doing the service once the others arrive." I noticed Emerald had become more confident. I saw a sincere look in her eyes. She knew that she was going to die, I was praying that Danny and Ruby found something.                                                                                        " You know the others will have found something, dear sister. Please have some faith in them." I told her but she stood back up and headed to the waters edge. She let a single tear loose but quickly wiped it away and looked down at her reflection.                                                                                    " Sapphire, I do have faith but I know that even if I escape death this time, I will be faced with it again and again until I have journeyed to that place in the sky filled with loads of souls but all work with one voice." She turned and looked at me and smiled, a sad one, "I wish that others can enjoy the beauty of this planet like I did. So my sacrifice will be a good one." Even though she was the youngest, she spoke like a true woman. Ready to make her own decisions.                                                                   "Hey we're back, sorry we didn't find anything but we have an announcement. We are now a couple."

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