Chapter 12 Unlocking New Secrets

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Narrator's POV

Dawn have arrived in London and the four teens were beginning to wake up. The troubles of Earth had soon disappeared and nobody except for girls even remembered the incident. Danny was the only one who did not have much sleep. His mind was forever debating his actions yesterday and the relationship he was in. He stood on his balcony over looking London and trying to clear his mind with the cool air. He was unaware of the presence standing by the door in a baggy t-shirt and fluffy socks. She reached out for him and slowly placing her hand on his shoulder and said, 

"Hey you alright. I bet you must be freezing, I know I am." Emerald's voice shivered a bit but her angelic voice brought Danny out of his battle of emotions. He turned his head and returned a smile but then turned back to the scenery, sighed and placed his head on his hands. Emerald saw this and moved ever so closer to the boy and copied the same position as him. Without moving her head, she glanced at the boy and smiled inwardly. She loved the alone time they could have and never feel flustered or awkward. 

"Why are you hear alone?" The young girl questioned. He straightened himself and looked down at her.

"Well, my mind is in a mess and I was cleaning it. What are you doing out here? As you said, its cold." Danny questioned his companion. 

"I saw you and got very worried. I wanted to see if I could help in anyway. Plus, its freezing so I wanted to drag your butt inside were its warm." Emerald pouted and turned her back towards the dark haired boy. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist and bent down to her ear and whispered softly, "Then lets get warm." and moved his hand to hers, interlocking it and with the other turning the door handle and letting both of them inside. The time on the wall was 7:23, both of the teens plopped down on the sofa and sighed simultaneously. Emerald was slightly red with the sudden actions of her partner. She looked towards the kitchen and got up. Walking slowly, she was deciding what to cook for breakfast. While this was happening, the other sleeping beauties slowly opened their eyes and got up from their slumber. Ruby was up and kissing her boyfriend on the cheek and Sapphire helping a stressful Emerald cooking breakfast and work the oven. 

"I was so lonely, last night. Where were you?" Ruby asked her boyfriend, he looked towards the kitchen quickly but returned his lover's gaze. 

"Nowhere just thinking." Danny stood up and walked to the fridge and poured himself a glass of orange juice. Ruby had a 'not so good' feeling about Danny this morning. 

As breakfast appeared slowly on the table, the company of teenagers gradually began to settle into a good mood and the troubles of yesterday seemed to fade away with every laughed shared. But slowly the conversation was leading back to the events of yesterday. Cutting out the awkward love scene of course. They decide to uncover the events of yesterday and the maker of this crisis.

"If he did this then, we have many troubles on our hands. We have to find out what he really wants fast as Ruby's scroll was unlocked and disappeared and me and Emerald's have also gone missing. Unless we get a warning, Earth is in danger." Sapphire was clearing up and had caught everyone's sudden attention. She was busy in her activities to notice Ruby coming up to help dry the dishes. 

"I agree completely, this is our home and we wouldn't want it destroyed. But why would mother not give us clues on what might happen next?" Ruby placed the dry ed dishes away and headed into the bathroom to get dressed. The 2 other girls headed in with their clothes and locked the door behind them. A fully dressed Danny placed himself on the floor leaning against the door. 

"Plus, when we were underground, I noticed Emerald's necklace started to glow a bright green. I don't know if it was a signal to warn me or a locating system for your necklaces to find us or something else entirely." Danny told the girls.

"Really, wonder what it means." The eldest spoke up.

"I did noticed a faint glow from mine the time when we were fighting." Ruby spoke up.

"Maybe this can help." Emerald picked up a scroll and showed it to her sisters. It didn't have a lock on it so it was easy to open. They looked over the writing with much confusion. In 4 different paragraphs was 4 different colours that only one person could read. In a calm blue read; 

In a ocean far away, a beautiful black haired girl stands above the glistening waters and slowly drops of the flowing blue ocean rise to her surrounding her in a ball of water. Her hand reaches out and surpasses the wall of water and with that the bubble pops. A new image appears, a girl with blue tips and bright sapphire eyes, one with the water around herself. With this knowledge, use the heart of the water to eliminate your enemies. 

In a fierce red read;

On the fiery pits of a volcano, a girl with blue hair stands with her eyes close and her hand reaching out for something. The ground beneath her feet started to shake and rumble, her hair started to float to the black skies above. As the ground fell, lava rained down on her covering every inch of her being. What was left was a statue of the girl, but that was not meant to stand for long. It started to break off and revealed the girl but with blazing red hair and a flame burning in her open palm. The eyes a deep red, almost devilish like the smile on her lips. With this fighting spirit, use the heart of fire to crush your enemies. 

In a lively green read;

In an open woodland filled with nature of every kind, a innocent young girl sat up against a tree. Her purple hair filled with tropical flowers. Those flowers started to bloom all down her hair and down her upper body, roots from the trees wrapped around her feet and legs. Her eyes closed, setting into a deep sleep. A bright light shined from beneath the plants and they slowly disappeared and a new girl appeared. One with green highlights and plants wrapped around both feet and hands. Her eyes would be green and flowers set in her hair fitted perfectly. With this kind heart, use the heart of earth to defeat your enemies. 

In a shining silver read;

In a dark wasteland, a boy with dark hair leaned up against a column with a glum expression. He was a troubled one. The forever dark skies started to clear around him to show a huge star glowing and sparking with energy. He looked up at it and parted his lips slightly. It beamed a bright wave of white light onto him sending a shock wave throughout the land. After a few seconds, it suddenly pulled back and a new being stood up in the old ones place. His jet black hair with silver streaks and bright silver eyes was the first things you could notice. His power radiating off of him making the wasteland seem ever more appealing. With this leadership, use the ring of light to protect your friends and destroy your enemies.

The girls told each other what each said and tried to wrap their heads around this new idea they now knew. Whilst outside the door, the new information was being told through a ring that had appeared in Danny's hand. However, a piece that was missing from the scroll now was being told. It was a choice between fire and earth must happen soon or the world may not survive. Danny was now very troubled and asked these two girls to come to the balcony when they were done. 

Outside was cold and the three teenagers could all feel the tension surrounding them. He turned and faced the two girls. On his left was his lover, the girl of fire, and on his right was his friend, the girl of nature. He grabbed both of their hands and kissed them lightly. He could not bear to look into their eyes. The girls exchanged glances between each other. He then looked upwards and spoke 6 words that could the life and relationships of this group altogether.

"I love the girl of ...........................................






Hi again, sorry I haven't updated in ages. I have been really sick lately and had all my tests last few weeks. Hope you like the update and should be updating tomorrow. 

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~AnimeMangaGirl out

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