Chapter 5

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Lance had always been a tad claustrophobic. Since he was a baby, he hated being swaddled, or hugged for long periods of time because he couldn't move freely. The others did not know this.

Coran had tricked the paladins into being handcuffed together. The older beta was trying to press upon the idea of communication and team work however, the point  being moot.

The Paladins were hungry, tired, and sore from training. They wanted to eat, take a shower, and go to bed. The young teens were not amused by Coran, resulting in the chaos a group of angry teenagers can become.

Lance took the brunt of the anger.

Being attached to a group of pissed betas and alphas was another factor that made the omega unsettled. Such close proximity to anyone that was enraged was a gut wrenching experience for the omega due to being able to smell it. Lance, being the only omega in the group, was able to smell the different pheromones radiating off of the others.

Someone could view this as a gift or a curse. Lance chose to view it as the latter. Due to trying to hide his status, the omega would disobey his natural instinct by ignoring his biological need to nurture.

When Hunk was sad in their dorm room, Lance would wrap him into his nest and purr to comfort the beta.

Now surrounded by the smell of anger, he deprived himself his need to purr and defuse the situation. Instead, he chose to try and replicate the angered reactions in the room.

Once Allura had entered , Pidge chose to yell, resulting in a fun fueled goo fight.

The smell in the air changed to one of pride. The paladins had finally worked as a unit; as a pack.

The omega in Lance chirped with pride.  He quickly swallowed down that instinct and chose to speak to Keith.

Keith had smiled, "I don't really hate you right now."

Lance preened with the resemblance of praise from an alpha. He let a blush crawl to his cheeks, and a genuine smile grace his features.

It was only later that night, alone in his room when he realized how shitty his situation really was.

Due to having no locks on the bedroom doors as a safety measure, anyone could walk in on Lance acting as an omega. He vetoed the idea of making a nest, just incase someone chose to give him a surprise visit.

Lance took a shower and dressed in the robe given to him. He laid in his bed, covers brought the his chest.

The omega found himself not able to sleep.

He was itching to make his nest. He knew he couldn't though. He had no place private in the castle and no comfort items to make said nest with. No comforting smells, no soft items, and especially no mate to share it with.

It was times like these where Lance would wish for a mate. He wondered what they would smell like, how their chest would rumble when they laid together. He wondered if they would be protective, or if they would let him have more freedom in the mating. He wanted to know how their favorite way to scent him would be. If they would choose to make him wear a piece of their clothing, or if they would want him to keep their claim on him visible. He wondered where they would mark and claim him.

He found himself letting tears pool at his ears. He wanted a mate, he really did but he wasn't allowed one if he wanted to stay a beta. It was a sacrifice he was willing to take to be perceived as a useful asset to the team.

He wondered what would happen if the team found out. If he would be removed and sent home. If they made him stay in a separate wing in the castle and act as an omega.

Lance was brought back from his thoughts when their was a knock on his door. Without him answering, Hunk had walked in, carrying the robe issued to the beta delicately on his arm.

Lance was puzzled.

Hunk held it out to him, " I um, thought you would like this, as one of your comfort items. I know you might not want to make a nest, but I could try and make a lock for your door for some more privacy." He sat down next to Lance, " I know you don't feel safe to quite yet, but it will be healthy for you to make a nest, even if it's just the start of one."

Lance stayed silent, taking the robe in his hands. He looked down at it for awhile, looking at the yellow details. He could smell hunk on it and without a second thought rubbed it against his cheek.

Hunk smiled, glad that Lance had excepted his gift. The beta knew this was going to be tough for the omega.  They were best friends and Hunk would do anything for him.

Lance carefully placed the yellow robe on his bed, let out a huff, before resting his head on Hunk. 

Hunk let out a chuckle, " Would you like me to stay here? 'Til you fall asleep?"

Lance rubbed at his tired eyes, nodding his head. The omega finally felt content since leaving his dorm room.

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