Chapter 4 - Curse of The Ancient Ruins!

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It was another beautiful, sunny day in the Mushroom Kingdom. A slight breeze blew in the air, making the heat of the sun not so overbearing for the kingdom's residents. Most were enjoying their day with a cool drink in hand, could you blame them?

The last few days had been filled with clouds and rain, making everyone just as gloomy and dark as the skies.

Luckily, those days had passed; the forecast mentioned nothing but sunny days and cloudless skies!

Such a nice day simply couldn't be spent inside! Speaking of which, the Koopalings packed up all their valued belongings, readying to take a interesting trip!

Even the evil-deed-doers got tired of being put to work. Although the Koopalings enjoyed putting the kingdom in a distressed state, a vacation was very much needed.

Where could they be heading off to? A relaxing beach? A packed water park?

"A dessert..." Wendy mumbled, throwing her items into her suitcase carelessly. "Of all places, Bowser chose a stupid dessert... what are we gonna do there?" She complained, not sounding too thrilled about the ordeal.

"It's not just a dessert! Dry Dry Dessert is home to some of the most ancient artifacts. Dating too far back to even be traced!" A blue-haired Koopaling lectured, sounding rather excited.

Wendy only rolled her eyes. "Oh really? And what exactly do you know about that kind of stuff...?" She asked dully, looking over to her younger brother.

Larry Koopa shrugged his shoulders, kicking his feet forward and back as he sat on the edge of his sister's bed.
"I don't know. Iggy's the one who told me that. Now I'm a lot more excited to go!" Larry said enthusiasticly, chuckling slightly.

"I don't know why. There's nothing luxurious about this trip." Wendy continued, "We're just going to be sweating, tired, walking in burning hot san-" Before Wendy could finish, her bedroom door came open without prior warning.

Oh great what does he want...? She thought, pausing upon her older brother, Ludwig's unexpected entry. Her brother gave her a judgemental stare, as he folded his arms across his chest.

"Of course, everyone has their things packed up, except you." Ludwig said, as he rested his back against the door frame. "We haven't got all day, you know. Everyone is waiting on you outside the castle." Upon hearing these words, Wendy eyes widened as she began moving at a quicker pace. "Why didn't you tell me that sooner? The king's going to think I don't want to go!" Wendy yelled, throwing more items into her suitcase.

"But, I thought you said you didn't-" Larry didn't get to finish his sentence, as Wendy sent a glare in his direction. The blue-eyed Koopaling redirected his gaze, not wanting to get scolded.

Ludwig raised an eyebrow in interest, a sly smirk appearing on his face. "What exactly were you going to say, Larry?" He mused, making Wendy shift her glare towards him.

"Don't forget I have dirt on you too, Ludwig." Wendy said, her evil glare turning into a smirk.

"Really!? Like what?" Larry asked, suddenly more interested in the conversation the pair shared.

"For starters, how about the time Lemmy-"

Ludwig's eyes widened at the first mention of Lemmy's name. He knew exactly what Wendy was going to say.

"Okay, okay...!" Ludwig suddenly said, quickly composing himself. The Koopaling cleared his throat, before speaking once again. "I- I'll tell the King you'll be out shortly... just.. never mention that again." Ludwig said, blushing faintly in embarrassment. He didn't expect to react the way he did... he couldn't take it back now...

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