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CHAPTER THIRTY THREE ________________________1 YEAR BEFORE

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WITH FAMILY CAME HAPPINESS AND WITH happiness came better things. That's what the Hatake/Uzumaki family seemed to believe, anyway. They all spent at least some part of their lives fighting for the euphoric feeling, and they always came out better in the end. Yet, there were still some scars that lingered throughout. Things you just can't let go by simply drowning yourself in happiness.

KATSUO HATAKE woke ferally in his superiorly dark home, the light of the moon shining through his bedroom window was the only thing that gave him even a bit of sight. He was panting heavily, burying his face into his hands to give himself a reality check of sorts. You're safe. You're at home. You're fine. Everybody is fine. He repeated the words over and over again in his head, sitting up in the queen sized bed.

"Katsuo Senpai, Lord Hokage requests your presence." A female voice spoke all of a sudden, catching the adult off guard. Coolly, he looked up to see one of his brother's main Anbu members; someone he knew well.

"Kumi." He greeted the girl. He silently got up, looking down at her with his honey eyes that had tears in them moments ago. "Drop the 'Senpai', would you?"

"I guess." Answered the red-haired girl, smiling at the latter. "But, you are my role model. I wish to be like you."

"Maybe you shouldn't." Katsuo murmured, grabbing his ninja attire from the drawer next to him. "It's just that you're my friend." He added convincingly. "Naruto needs me this late? Why?"

"That's classified towards anyone else except for the leader at this moment. He wishes to speak about it thoroughly." Kumi turned to walk out the door, shutting it until there was only a slight crack to give him his privacy.

"You'd think in an age of peace there wouldn't be this much urgent missions anymore." The silver-haired shinobi let out a light laugh, changing into his clothes quickly.

The other Anbu let out a hum of agreement before changing the subject. "Can I ask you a question, K?"

"Go ahead." The male nodded, walking out of his room past her.

"Did you have a nightmare?" 

Katsuo stopped in his tracks, the question throwing him off track. He never expected her to ask that, or to be so taken aback. Everything in his body told him not to accept that that was what had happened to him. Truth was, he'd never had one. His parents tried their very best to have him be different. To actually be happy, because they weren't for a very long time. And they did everything right, except for the part where they didn't prepare him early enough to know how to deal with a situation where your best friend dies.

"Yes." He replied. He grabbed his extra katana from his hiding place, never looking at the onyx-eyed girl beside him.

"For how long?" Kumi asked softly, resting her small hand on his shoulder.

"Since she died."

"Natsumi wouldn't have wanted you to be dwelling on her death for the rest of your life." The red-haired kunoichi argued. "It wasn't your fault. She loved you."

"Naruto's waiting." Katsuo didn't reply, grabbing his mask from the dining room table.

Kumi did nothing except pull her longtime friend into a hug, wanting to give him comfort.

WITH FAMILY CAME HAPPINESS AND WITH happiness came better things. That's what the Hatake/Uzumaki family seemed to believe.

But as KATSUO HATAKE cried into his friend's shoulder, he didn't believe that for one second

i just wanted to give y'all a little insight on to what some of katsuo's life is like cause i felt like a creative hoe. sadly, i feel this book coming to an end. i really wanted this to be my first book where i'd write consistent chapters and never stop but lets face it, you guys are getting low key bored right? don't worry, it wont be ending for a while, but my new books will be coming out. also, my baby gareki is the faceclaim for katsuo as a teen/adult! just picture him with silver hair and eyes like tsunade's lolol

-theanimesociety x

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