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CHAPTER THIRTY SEVEN _________________________________

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"GRANDMA! GRANDPA!" HIMAWARI AND BORUTO called to their grandparents excitedly. The littlest one had her arms outstretched for the couple to hug her, while the eldest simply smiled largely at his grandparents as the siblings made their way over to them. Kakashi and Hana scooped her up from the ground together, leaving quick kisses on her cheeks before pulling Boruto into a group hug.

"How was your field trip?" Hana asked the two, her honey eyes finding their way to the two children's faces.

"It was so cool!" Boruto bragged, his blue eyes shining with excitement. "Uncle Katsuo took our whole class—and Hima to the mountains! He taught us a whole bunch of Justu. And he prepared us to be Genin!"

"He showed us your Jutsu, Grandpa!" Himawari added, grinning up at the man. "The one you made! Can you show us?"

Kakashi gave his granddaughter a close-eyed smile. "Maybe later, Flower."

Hana gave her husband a sympathetic smile, planting a loving kiss on his cheek before sweeping the children inside the home they were quite accustomed to. The TV was already playing a show Boruto enjoyed, while the kitchen was set up for an afternoon of baking cookies for Hima.

The girls and boys separated to do their own activities, each enjoying the time they were spending together. It wasn't unknown that the children absolutely adored their grandparents. They always begged their whole family to tell them stories about the two, but no one could really say anything for certain. All they knew was that they were famously named as Kakashi of the Sharingan, Lord Sixth, Queen of Thunder, and War Goddess, as well as their titles of parents and grandparents. And that led to...

"How did you and Grandma fall in love? It's for a school project."

"How did you and Grandpa fall in love? It's for an art project."

Both faced the children with amused and surprised looks. Both had rather large smiles as they thought back. Both had different answers.

"I fell in love with your Grandma all at once." Kakashi spoke honestly, his onyx eyes flickering to the blonde woman standing in the kitchen with rosy cheeks and a bright grin. "That's what it felt like, atleast."

"He kept showing me more and more reasons to love him." Hana told the small girl. The couple's eyes met, and they gave each other smiles. "And I did."

"Did you always know you'd get married, Grandma?"

"No. But I didn't need to. All I needed to know was that I had him, no matter what."

i didn't want to give too much away because you're getting all that in the book but aww look at the two people who created the biggest and best family in the au naruto universe

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