Missing You

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It's been a month since Shawn left to LA for his music. This whole month has felt like absolute torture. I've never been the type of girl to be so emotional when it came to guys. But that's the kind of effect Shawn had on me.

This was the last month of Magcon and we were now in Nashville. The only thing getting me through this month is knowing that I'll be in LA with Shawn soon. We had been FaceTiming every day, his music had been going so well and I was so excited and happy for him.

Matt and I had gotten a lot closer since Shawn left too, mainly because Shawn gave him the duty to "take care of me." But it was good being on tour because everyone was so funny and they always made me smile and laugh.

I had been writing a few new songs as well, but I haven't shown anyone just yet. 

"So, what do you wanna do today before our show?" Matt asked jumping on my bed.

"I don't mind. What's everyone else doing?" I said.

"Not much, just hanging out at the hotel I suspect. I thought we could go out and grab some food or something and then chill," he replied.

"Sounds good! What did you have in mind?" I asked.

"McDonalds, I don't know I'm not classy," he chuckled.

"McDonalds is perfect!! Let's go," I said and we called an Uber and went to McDonalds. 

"So what do you want?" he asked.

"I feel like a Big Mac," I replied.

"Same," he said.

We both ordered a Big Mac each and we decided to dine in so we took our seats and waited for our numbers to be called. 

"330 and 331!" the lady called. That was us. 

Matt and I got up and got our meals and sat back down.

"Man, I forgot how good Big Macs were," I said. 

"I know right!? So underrated," Matt agreed.

We finished our burgers and decided to walk around Nashville a bit since it was both our first times here. 

"What are you singing tonight?" Matt asked.

"Summertime Sadness! And I was thinking of singing one of the first songs I've ever wrote but I don't know," I replied.

"Oooh I like Summertime Sadness. And why are you unsure? You've sang originals before," he said.

"I know, but this song is like really personal to me. Do you mind if we go back to the hotel? I'll show it to you, and you can tell me if I should sing it or not," I said.

"Of course! Let's go," he replied and with that, we went back to our hotel.

I went up to my room and took out my guitar and started playing Moments. The song I wrote when I was the most vulnerable I ever was. 

After I finished, Matt stood there with his mouth wide open. 

"I knew you could write, but I didn't know you could write that well! You have to sing that oh my god!" he replied.

"You sure?" I asked, still unsure.

"Um yes, obviously! Have you shown that to Shawn?" he asked.

"Yes. I showed it to him ages ago. I wish he was here to see me sing it live," I said sadly.

"Well, he could be. I can FaceTime him while you perform so he can see you," he replied.

"Wow, that's such a good idea! Who knew Matthew Espinosa could actually come up with good ideas," I joked.

"I'm full of good idea," he said sassily.


It was now time for the show. I was getting really nervous. I was tapping my foot nervously while everyone performed one by one. And it was now my turn. Matt was on FaceTime with Shawn, but he didn't tell him that I was going to be performing Moments.

"Good luck babe, you're gonna kill it," Shawn said to me.

"Thanks Shawn, wish you were here though! Anyway, I should get up there," I said and walked up the stage.

I could see Matt on the side of the stage pointing his phone at me so Shawn could see me. I decided to sing Summertime Sadness first. After I finished singing that, I grabbed my guitar and started singing Moments. 

Everyone got their phones out and turned the flashlight on and waved their phones in the air. After I finished everyone started cheering. Matt turned his phone so I could see Shawn's face and Shawn had two thumbs up. I grinned. He wasn't physically here, but he was still supporting me from afar.

"Thank you, Nashville!" I said and went backstage. 

I took the phone of Matt and started talking to Shawn.

"Wow, I didn't know you were gonna sing Moments! I'm so proud of you. You sang so beautifully and I could tell how emotional that was for you. I only wish I could be there to hug you right now," he said.

"Me too, but you watching me through FaceTime was still amazing," I replied.

"You know, you should get Matt to call me every time you perform because I love seeing and hearing your beautiful voice," he said.

I blushed. "Well, I think I might just do that. Anyway, enough about me. How's the recording going?"

"Really good! I think the EP is coming together really well, I can't wait for you to hear it! And I might even be doing a show soon," he said.

"That's great! I can't wait to hear it, and I of course, can't wait for the show! I'll be front row cheering you on," I replied.

He chuckled. "Nope, you'll be backstage. I'll need you to calm me down before the show because you know how nervous I get."

"Oh trust me, I know," I said rolling my eyes. 

"Shut up," he said. "I should probably let you go, you'll be starting the meet and greet soon."

"Yeah, Mahogany is just finishing up. I'll talk to you tomorrow though?" I asked.

"Of course. Goodnight love, miss you," he said blowing me a kiss.

"Goodnight Shawn, miss you more," I said and hung up the call.

"Ya'll are so cringe but so cute," Matt laughed.

"Were you all just spying on our conversation this whole time?" I asked the guys.

"Yep, but only because ya'll are too cute to just ignore," Cameron joked.

"I hate you all," I joked. 

Moments | Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now