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It was now a week after our birthdays and Shawn and I were about to go on a little brunch date to Tim Horton's because we were both craving chocolate chip muffins. I fixed my hair in the mirror since it was a frizzy mess at the moment and then I put on some lip balm and walked downstairs to see Shawn chatting with my mom on the sofa.

"Hey hun," Shawn said when he saw me and kissed me on the cheek and handed me a bouquet of roses. 

"Hey cutie! You got me flowers? My birthday was last month, you really shouldn't have but thank you, I'll go put them in a vase now," I said and grabbed a vase from the cupboard and filled it with water. 

"So, I've got some news I wanna share with you when we go to Tim Horton's. And a question I wanna ask you as well," he said.

"Why do I suddenly feel so nervous? Is it something bad? Is that why you bought me flowers?" I asked pointing at the roses that were now in the clear vase. 

He shook his head. "No, but it's something big," he winked.

I rolled my eyes. "Very punny, Mendes."

I said goodbye to my mom and got into Shawn's car and drove to Tim Horton's. I made us listen to Shawn's EP in the car while we both sang at the top of our lungs to each song. We finally pulled up to Tim Horton's and Shawn quickly jumped out of the car and rushed to my side to open the passenger door.

"M'lady," he said and bowed.

"Why, thank you, kind sir," I said and curtsied. We both burst into laughter and went into Tim Horton's.

We both ordered a muffin each. I also ordered a vanilla latte, and Shawn ordered a cappuccino. We both sat and sipped out coffees.

"So, are you gonna tell me the news or?" I asked. 

"Okay, well the question I wanted to ask you was, did you want to come to LA with me while I finish recording my debut album?" he asked.

"Is that even a question? Of course, I'd love to!" I answered.

He chuckled. "Good, I'm glad! We're hoping to get it done by the end of April, so we're going to head to LA next month. I just didn't know if you would want to with school and all. I'm switching to online schooling so it doesn't bother me," he said.

"I was thinking about switching to online as well. I've done it before, and it saves me the trouble of waking up early and making the effort to actually go to school," I replied.

"Perfect! I'll let Andrew know. Are you going to stay with Alisha?" he asked.

"Probably, yeah! I'll have to give her a call and ask but it should be all good. If I can't stay with her, I've got the other girls!" I replied.

"Okay, awesome! The next bit of news is going to freak you out a little but in a good way, I hope. Just don't make a scene and scream please," he said.

"Oh please, I'm not that dramatic," I rolled my eyes.

Shawn lifted his eyebrow. "Whatever you say Maya. Anyway, you know how you're a big Taylor Swift fan?"

"I'm only the biggest swiftie ever!" I said and sipped on my latte.

"Well... Andrew called last night. Taylor's heard about me and she loves my EP! She wants me to tour with her for her new album!" he announced.

I spat out my latte right onto Shawn's face. "WHAT?! NO, YOU'RE JOKING RIGHT?!" I yelled.

Shawn scrunched up his nose and grabbed a napkin and wiped the latte off his face. "So much for staying calm," he chuckled. "And no, I'm not joking! I'll be doing a couple of the North American dates next year! I'll get you backstage passes, you can meet Taylor!"

I was still in shock. "You-you're touring with Taylor Swift? THE Taylor Swift?! As in the Taylor Swift I sing and dance to on the daily?!" I asked.

"Yep! I'll be playing in Toronto and Vancouver as well. I'll get you tickets and VIP passes to those shows! I can't believe it - my first proper tour! Well technically not mine since I'm just an opening act but you know what I mean," he rambled.

"JUST an opening act?! Shawn, this is a huge deal! Taylor isn't just any ordinary singer, she's one of the biggest pop stars in the world right now, and you get to open for her tour! This is gonna be so great for you! People are gonna go to the show for Taylor and end up falling in love with you and your music. I'm so proud of you and I'm so excited and I can't believe you're going to be in the same room as Taylor on tour!" I said.

"I'm still trying to get my head around it, it's crazy but I'm excited! I can't wait to tell you all about it! I'll miss you so much but we'll FaceTime everyday, just like Magcon," he smiled.

"Of course we will! You're chasing your dreams and I love that, and you better FaceTime when Taylor's around because I need to see my idol," I said.

He laughed. "I'll make sure you get to meet her, I'll even show her a few of your covers. Once she sees your covers she'll kick me out and get you to open instead."

"Pfft, she wouldn't! She'll just want to be my best friend instead. Oh my god, I hope you get to meet her cats," I said. 

We continued to drink our coffees and eat our muffins while talking about the tour and Shawn's debut album. I was so excited and happy for him. I knew our relationship would be able to handle tour because our bond was so strong. It'd be hard, but he's worth it. 


It was now September and Shawn and I were boarding our plane to LA. We both switched to online school and decided to do the same subjects so we can help each other out. 

September also meant that school was starting so Shawn and I decided to do some work on the plane.

"I still hate maths, even if it's online," Shawn said.

"Maths was always my least favourite. I'm just glad my dream job wasn't to be a maths teacher or my dreams would've already been crushed," I replied.

Shawn chuckled. "What is your dream job anyway? I know you love YouTube, but is it your dream?"

"I always wanted be to doing something creative. I feel like YouTube is more of a hobby for me and I love doing it, and it's practically my job since I make money off of it. But I'd like to do singing too. Record an album one day," I answered.

"Maybe you can do that. Anything's possible, I'm living proof of that," he said.

I laughed. "Maybe one day. I've written a couple more songs, I just need to get in a studio!" 

Shawn snapped his fingers. "That's it! Studio! Why don't you come record a couple of your songs?"

"I don't know. Maybe? We'll see. It just feels weird to record anything when I haven't got a record deal," I replied.

"No it's not. I've seen plenty of YouTubers who aren't signed but they record their originals in a studio and then make a music video for it and upload it on YouTube. You should do that!" he suggested.

"That's actually not a bad idea. Maybe I'll do that when you're on tour with Taylor. It'll definitely keep my mind off missing you," I said.

"And you call me the cheesy one?" he laughed.

I lightly shoved him. "Shut up. You're still a giant cheese ball."

"But I'm YOUR giant cheese ball," he said and poked my nose.

"And there you are, proving my point. But yes you are my giant cheese ball. Now, let's continue this work before we land in LA so we can chill out when we get there," I replied and we continued working on the dreadful maths equations. 

A/N: Hope ya'll enjoyed this chapter! It's actually my birthday today so I'm really excited and happy and wanted to update the story!! I hope everyone who's reading this is enjoying it so far because I love writing this so much and I've already got plans for the sequel!!

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