First Day

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I woke up to my alarm ringing. I groaned and hit the snooze button and turned around to go to sleep when I realised that today was Monday and I was starting my first day of school. I quickly shot up out of bed like a rocket and ran to my dresser to pick out something to wear. I needed to look cute but not too over the top, but I wanted to make a good first impression.

I decided on a simple white t-shirt and a denim skirt with white high top converse. Simple but cute. I brushed through my hair and I was so happy that I decided to straighten my hair yesterday because I woke up with it being nice and wavy today. I took my clothes to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, washed my face and got changed into my outfit.

I then made my way downstairs and got some lucky charms cereal from the cupboard and put them into a bowl and poured some milk into and started eating my cereal. I was scrolling through Instagram and replying to some comments on my photos when I heard the doorbell ring. It must be Shawn. We were going to walk to school together since I had no clue where the school even was.

I quickly pop the bowl into the dishwasher and run to the door to unlock it. I see Shawn's goofy smile and I hug him. He hugged me back and I ruffled his hair a little bit. He frowned and started ruffling mine too.

"HEY! It's my first day, give me a break," I say and cross my arms pretending to be angry with him.

"I'm sowwy," he said and pouted at me.

I shook my head. "You're such a weirdo. Anyway, I'm gonna grab my backpack and then we can go, okay?" I said.

He nodded. I ran upstairs and grabbed my baby pink backpack and ran back downstairs to walk to school with Shawn. We linked arms and skipped down the driveway all the way to school because we're weird AF.

"Here we are!" Shawn said and pointed at the school's sign that read "Pine Ridge Secondary School."

"Yeah, I gathered that from the sign," I said pointing at the sign.

"Whatever. Now come on, I'll show you to your locker. We're in the same classes together so we can just chill together, unless you don't want to," he said.

"Of course I want to you big idiot," I joked.

He walked me to my locker and helped me with the combination since I never had a locker before. I put my backpack and books in my locker and shut it and then I realised I needed my books so I had to re-open my locker to get them out when I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around. It was Lauren.

"Hey! Maya right? Anyways, just wanted to come say hi and invite you to have lunch with us!" she said brightly.

I smiled and said, "I would love to but I'm going to have lunch with Shawn today." Oh gosh, I hope that didn't sound rude.

"Oh silly, he eats lunch with us all the time. So that's a yes then?" she asks.

"Oh well in that case of course, I'd love to have lunch with you!" I beam.

"Perfect! See you then," she said.

"Bye!" I said.

"Please tell me you didn't try to set us up," Shawn said walking over to me.

"Calm down, she just asked if I wanted to hang with her at lunch. And why didn't you tell me you sit with her at lunch?" I questioned.

He shrugged. "Didn't think it was important."

"Oh okay," I said and we walked to our first class together. It was maths. I hated maths. Even when I did online school. It was never my best subject and I was always confused. I sat next to Shawn of course. I also noticed that Lauren's friend, Darcy was in this class too. She came over and sat next to me.

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