Here from the gracious land of Earth, I stand to tell the name of "Earl", a fine man with a lot of history. Hello everyone, welcome to my story.
Crossing out the "my", I'm sorry change it to "the". (This is supposed to be my story but the author doesn't want me to be so cocky, and now I'm breaking the fourth wall.)
I'm not really familiar on being a gentleman but I'm just gonna pretend that I speak so gentle and swiftly change to—lovely day isn't it?
Imagine a world full of gentlemen, awful right? No? Because it would be great? Because gentlemen are kind men? Yeah yeah sure, but gentlemen have low humor, women don't like that.
And I'm positive, that if all men are gentlemen then there will be no more place for poor people like Kenny McCormick from South Park.
What? You're saying that it's better? No no no, you're certainly wrong buddy and I'm not a canadian.
If there will be no more poor people then we can't call rich people "rich" anymore, I mean they're rich because there are poor people. Ugh you know what, I don't want to be a gentleman anyway! NO I'M NOT GAY! I just don't want go tolerating and spoiling women like jesus, you haven't seen the world whole woman, stop slacking off.
No I'm not anti-feminism god! WHERE IS UNDERSTANDING WHEN I NEED ONE?
I'm just saying, ladies, you are the most beautiful creature ever.. made.. but you can't just—what do you call this.. uhh you know? Doing women stuffs and.. things.
Look, my point is that everything must be balanced and equal! I love ladies, you are the foundation of life and you women are smart and cool ok.
Technically, I'm just wasting your time reading a rant from Earl. I'll never get a girlfriend huhuhuhu! *cries in a corner*
Is this enough for a prologue? Come on guys, I'm tired. I've been speaking for a damn while.
So yeah, I'm Earl.
Remember that, hmm?
The Tale of Earl: The 10th Grader
Humor8th of August, year 2018. This story is brought to you by- Lex Hara A description hmm.. I don't know wtf. Should I describe the story or like what? I don't get it. WATTPAD BE INNOVATIVE. So, The Tale of Earl: The 10th Grader is a story or a tale wha...